Coronavirus and Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Coronavirus and Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning (HVAC)
Coronavirus is the bulging topic all over the world. Although quite a few information has been unveiled about the virus, yet much remains unknown. There are lots of rumors regarding the virus and we are here to give you some insights regarding your Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioner (HVAC) and Coronavirus (Covid-19).
1. Does the virus remain in air for long and get carried by airflow?
Covid-19 virus is mainly transmitted through the droplets generated when an infected person coughs, sneezes or speaks. The droplets are too heavy to hang in the air, so they quickly fall on the floors or surfaces. Thus, the virus doesn’t remain in the air for really long. Since the virus falls quickly on the floors and surfaces the virus doesn’t gets carried away by airflow from your HVAC systems.
2. Is there high risk of virus in the air?
The virus can only reproduce in living cells. However, it can survive on various surfaces and air for a limited time period which further eases the transmission. Therefore, frequent sanitization of your close environment is a must to prevent virus transmission.
3. Can I use air conditioner during this pandemic?
Yes, there is no strong evidence to suggest that a well-maintained air conditioning, ventilation, or other type of climate control system will contribute to the transmission of COVID-19. However, the systems should be regularly inspected, maintained, and cleaned.
4. Do higher efficiency filters on HVAC prevent the spread of the virus?
High efficiency HVAC filters can capture small particles like dust, bacteria, etc. and remove them from the airflow in your space. But it hasn’t been scientifically proved that they eliminate the virus risk entirely.
5. How often do we need to clean our Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Systems?
Till date there aren’t any indications that HVACs have spread Covid-19 virus. However, we recommend you to regularly maintain and clean the air conditioning equipment. If by any chance you suspect that the surface of an air conditioning unit has been affected, use a simple disinfectant to clean the surface.
6. What actions are required at workplace to take regarding Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioners?
There must be circulation of clean and fresh air in every workplace. WHO recommends an increased ventilation rate through natural or mechanical means, preferably without recirculation of the air.
7. How does humidity affect COVID-19?
Recent Research has shown that increasing indoor humidity levels can help deactivate the virus. During the winter months when our spaces are closed and heated, humidity levels tend to drop extremely low. Unfortunately, that is the ideal conditions for the COVID-19 virus to thrive longer time period.
Henceforth, although there aren’t any scientific proofs that Covid-19 virus is transferrable through the HVAC systems, we at Air Experts recommend everyone to regularly clean and disinfect your systems using a simple piece of cloth and disinfectant. Further, inflow of fresh air in commercial buildings and apartments is a must during this pandemic with minimal contact with any outsiders.
Source: World Health Organization
कोभीड–१९ तथा Heating Ventilation / Air Conditioners (HVAC)
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
कोरोना भाइरस अहिले संसारभरि नै निकै चर्चाको विषय हो । यद्यपी, यस भाइरसबारे कतिपय कुरा बाहिरिएको भएपनि अझै धेरै कुराबाट हामी अन्जान नै छौं । यस्तै धेरै हल्लाहरुबीच हामी तपाईहरुलाई Heating Ventilation / Air Conditioners (HVAC) तथा कोभिड–१९ बारे केही विशेष जानकारी दिन गइरहेका छौं ।
१. के यो भाइरस हावामा लामो समय रहन्छ र हावासँगै बहेर आउँछ?
कोभीड–१९ भाइरम मुख्यतः संक्रमित व्यक्तिले खोक्दा, हाछ्यूूँ गर्दा वा बोल्दा निस्किने स–साना छिटाहरुबाट अर्को व्यक्तिमा सर्छ । यी साना छिटा÷थोपाहरु हावाभन्दा धेरै भारी हुन्छन् र छिटै नै भुईंमा वा कुनै सतहमा झर्छन् । त्यसैले यो भाइरस हावामा धेरैबेर बस्दैन । भाइरस छिटै नै भुुईँ वा सतहमा झर्ने भएकाले तपाईको कुनै पनि ज्ख्ब्ऋ कथकतझको हावासँगै बहेर अन्त जाँदैन ।
२. के हावामा यो भाइरसको बढी जोखिम हुन्छ?
यो भाइरस जीवीत कोषमा मात्रै बढ्न सक्छ । तथापी यो भाइरस हावामा र कुुनै पनि सतहमा निश्चित समय बाँच्ने भएकाले संक्रमणको जोखिम रहन्छ । त्यसैले आफूू र नजिकैको वस्तुहरु स्यानिटाइज र डिस्इन्फेक्ट गर्न जरुरी छ ।
३.के यो महामारीमा air conditioner प्रयोग गर्न मिल्छ ?
एकदम÷विल्कुुल सकिन्छ । कुनै पनि राम्रो अवस्थामा भएको air conditioning, ventilation वा यस्तै किसिमको वातानुकुल उपकरणले कोभीड–१९ फैलाउँछ भन्ने तथ्याकं छैन । तथापी यस्ता सामानहरुको नियमित रुपमा जाँच, सफाई र मर्मत भएको हुुनुुपर्छ ।
४.के अधिक क्षमता भएको HVAC को फिल्टरले यो भाइरस फैलिनबाट रोक्न सक्छ ?
यस्ता फिल्टरहरुले धुलोका स–साना कणहरु, किटाणुु, आदि चीजहरुलाई समात्छ र बहने हावामा जानबाट रोक्छ । तर यसले भाइरसको जोखिमललाई पूर्णतया निर्मूल पार्छ भन्ने वैज्ञानिकरुपमा प्रमाणित भएको छैन ।
५.हामीले यस्ता उपकरणको कति समयमा सर–सफाई गर्नुपर्छ ?
आजको मितिसम्म यस्ता उपकरणले कोरोना फैलाएको देखिएको छैन । तैपनि हामी समय समयमा यसको मर्मत तथा सर–सफाई गर्ने सुझाव दिन्छौ । यदि तपाईलाई सो उपकरणको सतहमा संक्रमणको संका लागेमा तत्काल कुनैपनि डिस्इन्फेक्टेन्टबाट सो सतह सफा गर्नुहोस् ।
६.वातानुकुलीत उपकरण भएका कार्यस्थलमा के–कस्तो सावधानी अपनाउन जरुरी हुन्छ ?
कुनै पनि कार्यस्थलमा सफा र स्वच्छ हावाको बहाव हुनैपर्दछ । WHO ले पनि प्राकृतिक वा मेकानिकल भेन्टिलेशन दर बढाउनलाई सल्लाह दिएको छ जसमा हावाको पुनः प्रवाह नहोस् ।
७. Humidity ले कोभीडलाई कस्तो प्रभाव पार्छ ?
हालैको खोजले यो देखाएको छ कि घरभित्र Humidity मात्रा बढाउनाले भाइरसलाई निस्कृय पार्दछ । जाडोको समयमा जब हाम्रो ठाउँ बन्द गरी तातो पारिएको हुन्छ तब Humidity मात्रा एकदमै कम हुन्छ । दुर्भाग्यवश, यस्तो अवस्थामा कोभीड भाइरस लामो समयसम्म रहन्छ ।
हालसम्म HVAC system बाट कोभीड–१९ सरेको कुनै पनि बैज्ञानिक प्रमाण छैन तैपनि हामी Air Experts यहाँहरुलाई नियमित रुपमा HVAC को सफाई र डिस्इन्फेक्ट गर्ने सुझाव दिन्छौं । अझ यस संक्रमण अवधिमा कमर्सियल विल्डिङ र अपार्टमेन्टहरुमा स्वच्छ हावाको प्रवाह बढाउनुपर्छ साथै बाहिरको सम्पर्क सकेसम्म कम गर्नुपर्दछ ।
Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
For longer durability of your Air Conditioner, it is important to ensure that the maintenance of the system has been scheduled timely and operations have been carried out effectively.
Your AC will serve you for years and make home comfortable and safe, if it runs in proper condition with regular inspects. Here are some of pointers to remember which can help increase your comfort and the productivity of your system.
Clean or Change the air filters
Cleaning or changing Air Filters the air filter is the foremost important task that will help improve life span of your Air Conditioner. Make sure clean your filter once a month specially during the ongoing pandemic. You can clean the filter on your own by using warm water with mild disinfectant. Watch this video for reference
Clean the Air Conditioner’s coils
As time goes by, the Air Conditioner’s evaporator and condenser coils collect dirt’s which decreases airflow and separates the coils which, of course will decrease your AC’s capacity and reduces its ability to absorb heat. Hereby, Outdoor condenser coils can absorb dirt and make it very dirty if you’re outdoor environment is dusty. So, to get rid of these problems, the AC coil must be cleaned or changed once a year.
Remove wreckage from the unit
The dirt and grass clipping will built up outside your Air Conditioner over time which decreases AC’s capacity and reduce airflow. Your Air conditioner maintenance plan should include cleaning outdoor components at least twice a year. The coils, motors, and fan blades work more efficiently when cleaned.
Replace worn parts proactively
Replacing the damaged parts before it corrupts the entire system is the best way to ensure a longer lifespan of your Air Conditioner. Therefore, during a maintenance check, make sure that you get every electrical and mechanical part of the indoor and outdoor unit inspected.
Air Experts Maintenance team believe in ‘Preventions is better than cure.’ Referring to Air Conditioning systems, proper maintenance is better and more cost effective than replacement. Therefore, these few steps are a must for everyone looking for a longer durability of their Air Conditioning System.
To schedule an Air Conditioning Check-up, you can email us at or call us on 9801041111.
AC मर्मत टिप्स
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
एअर कण्डिसन धेरै समय टिकाउनका लागि यसलाई नियमित रुपमा व्यवस्थित राख्ने र समय समयमा मर्मत गर्नु महवपूर्ण कुरा हो । साथै, तपाईलाई यसले धेरै समयसम्म काम दिइरहोस् र सुरक्षित एवं सुविधायुक्त बनोस्, उत्पादनशील बनोस् भन्ने चाहनुहुन्छ भने यसको सहि सञ्चालन गर्न जान्नुपर्दछ र समय समयमा यसलाई हेरविचार गरिरहनु पर्दछ ।
एअर फिल्टरलाई सफा गर्ने वा फेर्नेः
एअर फिल्टरलाई सफा गर्ने वा फेर्ने सबैभन्दा महत्वपूर्ण काम हो जसले एअर कण्डिसनरको आयु बढाउन सहयोग गर्छ । अझ अहिले भइरहेको माहामारीमा महिनाको कम्तीमा एकपटक अवश्य पनि फिल्टरलाई सफा गर्नुहोस् । तपाई आफैले पनि तातो पानीसँग हलुका किटाणुनाशक प्रयोग गरि सफा गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ । पूरा प्रक्रियाको लागि भिडियो लिंक हेर्नुहोस्
एअर कण्डिसनरको Coil सफा गर्नेः
समय वित्दै जाँदा एअर कण्डिसनरको evaporator र condensor coil ले फोहरहरु जम्मा गर्दै जान्छ जसले हावाको प्रभाहलाई घटाउँछ र साथै coil लाई निस्कृय गरिदिन्छ । फलस्वरुप, यसले AC को क्षमता र तातो घटाउने क्षमतालाई पनि घटाउँछ । यदि बाहिरको वातावरण फोहरले भरिएको छ भने outdoor राखेको ठाउँ वरिपरि outdoor condenser को coil ले अझै बढी धुलो तान्न सक्छ र यसलाई अरु बढी फोहर बनाउँछ । यसकारण यस्तो समस्या हुनबाट बचाउन AC को coil लाई सफा गर्ने वा वर्षको एकपटक फेर्ने गर्नुपर्दछ ।
बाहिरपट्टि जम्मा भएको फोहरको जालोलाई हटाउनेः
लामो समयपछि तपाईको AC को बाहिरी भागमा धुलो र फोहर जम्मा हुँदै जाँदा यसलाई छोपिदिन्छ जसले AC को क्षमतालाई घटाइदिन्छ साथै हावाको प्रवाहलाई पनि कम गरिदिन्छ । त्यसकारण AC मर्मत गर्दा कम्तिमा वर्षको २ पटक outdoor लाई पनि सफा गर्नुपर्दछ । यसरी सफा गर्दा coil, motors र fan blade ले अझ राम्रोसँग काम गर्दछ ।
पुरानो सामानहरुलाई समयमै फेर्नुहोस्
फेर्नुपर्ने सामानले गर्दा सम्पूर्ण AC लाई नै असर गर्नुभन्दा पहिले नै विग्रेका सामानहरुलाई फेरेर AC को आयु लम्ब्याउनु नै बुद्धिमानी हुन्छ । मर्मत गर्ने समयमा indoor र outdoor मा प्रयोग भएका सम्पूर्ण इलेक्ट्रीकल्स वा मेकानिकल पूर्जाहरुलाई ठीक भए या नभएको निश्चित गर्नुपर्दछ ।
हामी, एअर एक्स्पर्टस् पनि “उपचार गर्नुभन्दा रोग लाग्न नै नदिनु राम्रो” भन्ने मा विश्वास गर्दछौं । त्यसकारण AC राम्रोसँग मर्मत सम्भार भयो भने सामान फेर्नुभन्दा धेरै सस्तो र प्रभावकारी हुन्छ । त्यसैले AC लामो समयसम्म टिकाउनको लागि यी विधिहरुलाई सबैले ध्यान दिनु जरुरी छ ।
Which is better for Winter? AC or Heater
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
It’s that time of the year, when every passing day just gets chillier than the day before. The sweaters and socks come out from their hibernation and a tough decision has to be made. Should you get an AC or a Heater to beat the chills? Both of them are popular winter essentials in Nepal, but as a new customer, the price factor and the products durability definitely play a huge part in the ultimate decision. But what is truly the most cost efficient and well justified investment for keeping warm in Nepal? So, here are some pointers on why Midea AC is the best AC in Nepal, and how it compares to heaters for winter:
1. Price Factor
The price of heaters in Nepal are quite competitive, and given you get the best heater in Nepal, it will be great for warming up a small corner during winters. However, for summers they are locked up and have simply no use.
On the other hand, an AC is suited for various weathers all-round the year. You can get AC’s at varying prices in Nepal. Being it expensive than the heater, it still is used in cold as well as in warm weather. As an inverter AC in Nepal, Midea AC can save up to 71% more electricity. which means, you can use it without worry at any time of the year.
2. Beneficial for the Health
Heater are portable and easy to carry but also come with a stark price which is one’s health. It has harmful side effects that can burn oxygen and reduce the humidity in the air which can lead to dry eyes and nasal blockages too.
But with advanced ones such as Midea AC’s, keep the air fresh and free from dust particles and pollutants whilst also keeping skin moisturized and your family warm. It can help maintain the necessary air humidity for indoor environment. While it might be initially daunting in terms of price, getting the best AC in Nepal such as Midea is a wise long-term decision
3. Technologically Advanced
Midea AC’s have smart features which enable you to turn it on/off with the WIFI itself. It’s the perfect example of technology meets innovation, as you can easily control it anytime, anywhere and even use voice command functions to connect it with Amazon Echo or Google Home.
4. Investment for long term
Midea air conditioners have an average lifespan of up to 10 years. Which means A decade of guaranteed comfort and value for your money.
5. Performance
Midea AC is durable and has high-quality performance. Its’ noise level is very low, and the sound level is only 20db to ensure that your sleep is undisturbed. Midea AC’s focus on maximizing the heating and cooling performance with 3D air flow and keep every corner of the room thoroughly cool and warm as required.
6. Purification
7. Easy Maintenance
Top 5 health reasons to choose AC over Heater | Air Experts
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Top 5 health reasons to choose AC over Heater
While the price of heaters is relatively cheaper than air conditioners, you have to be aware of the side effects it has on your health. Heaters burn oxygen and reduce the humidity in the air. On the other hand, a good air conditioner such as Midea can provide air filtration that provides cleaner air indoors. There are many health benefits on installing an air conditioner.
1. Reduces the risk of asthma
Air conditioners can help to filter as well as disinfect the air that we breathe. This can help to reduce the risk of asthma attacks and allergies by removing pollen and dust, and also preventing the growth of mildew and mold. When we close our windows while using air conditioners helps to prevent the entry of environmental allergens, bacteria, and dust.
2. Improves air quality
Installing air conditioners can improve the air quality. Midea Air conditioner has dual filters that helps your house by improving ventilation and controlling the temperature of your home. A clean air conditioning system like Midea helps in excluding external allergens such as pollens.
3. Decrease the Risk of Dehydration
Even when you’re using the best heater in Nepal, during winter it reduces the humidity leading to dry eyes, nasal blockage and dehydration. You might also have heat stroke as your body begins to overheat due to the surrounding temperature. But inverter AC’s such as Midea, helps to keep odors and fumes at bay whilst also cycling out smelly air, and replacing it with fresh air.
4. Provides comfort
While some like to remain cool, others are happier when they receive a little extra warmth. When you install the Midea Air Conditioners, you can use the temperature control to customize your environment to suit your taste and consequently reduce stress.
5. Easier sleep
You cannot sleep with your heater on as it is harmful for your health as well as for the surrounding. But Midea AC’s can be turned on even when you are sleeping, so you get to rest at just the right temperature. Also it operates on low noise, giving you undisturbed and peaceful sleep, clean fresh air without reducing the humidity.
Make no compromises, get the best AC in Nepal for you and your family with up to 71% of electricity saving. Get Midea, now at just Rs. 63,000.
8 features you can find in a smart AC
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
8 features you can find in a smart AC
There is constant advancement in all fields of technology and air conditioners are no different. Midea Air conditioners are technologically smart. All Midea Ac’s in Nepal has industry-leading technology with ultra-high energy efficiency technology. Here are 8 features you can find in a smart AC:
1. Smart Wi-Fi control
AC’s that connect to the Wi-Fi offer you a whole new level of convenience. You can control them from anywhere with ease. With the Midea Air app, you can easily control Midea AC’s and help operate the ac, even when you are not around. Midea app-based control is available both on google play and app store
2. 3D airflow
For this, the directional air outlet in AC’s move automatically to direct airflow to every corner of the room and keep it thoroughly cool and warm as required. The deflectors in Midea AC move automatically in all directions for a balanced airflow to cover every corner of the room.
3. Voice command function
You can connect Midea Air conditioners to Amazon Echo or Google Home to control it with voice commands.
4. Intelligent operations
Midea Air conditioners have I-clean technology that washes away dust, grease, and dirt which may cause odors. The self-cleaning function ensures that the air you’re breathing is clean and safe.
5. Follow me function
The follow-me function in Midea AC makes you feel comfortable at all times by automatically adjusting the air conditioner to your ever-changing surrounding temperature.
6. Wind- Avoid Me function
Avoid wind blowing directly on you by using the remote to instantly adjust the wind direction.
7. Smart Save Mode
Midea air conditioners are designed to save energy. They have a SmartSavE mode that helps you to sleep cool/warm whilst also saving your money. Get energy-efficient comfort and enjoy your restful sleep.
8. Skin Moisture
Midea Air conditioner has Air magic which generates water molecules that helps to maintain the necessary air humidity for the indoor environment, enhancing the moisture of your skin.
You can get your smart Midea AC in Nepal for very reasonable price at just Rs 3000 per month with 0% interest.
Benefits of using a good air conditioner
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Benefits of using a good air conditioner
Summer is right around the corner, but the fiery heat doesn't really make this season the most comfortable one. While summer calls for some great memories it isn’t all that fun when you’re worrying about how sweaty you are. Good air-conditioning ensures that you have a perfect temperature to make the most out of your day and night. Maintaining a suitable temperature, ensures that you are comfortable and able to efficiently do whatever your work well.
Here are other benefits of having an air conditioner.
Air Purifier - A Perfect Solution to Rising Pollution
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Air purifier - a perfect solution to rising pollution
Covid-19 isn’t the only scary thing in the air these days. Pollution in Nepal has equally disrupted the daily lives of people in Nepal. Being constantly exposed to the toxic air has resulted in numerous cases of extreme health issues among the inhabitants.
In cities, the air inside your house is as contaminated as it is outside. It is difficult to contaminate pollutants which are present in the air inside. The pollutants such as; dust, termites and allergens are trapped inside at most times. However, you can now, control the air you breathe. Make your comfort-zone your safe zone with an air purifier!
This amazing device has definitely been made keeping the current times in mind. Most air purifiers work by using filters to remove the particles in the air by sucking in the air from the room, removing the particles in the air, and then releasing the clean air. HEPA air purifiers include tiny glass fibres woven into the filter to capture 99.7% of airborne particles.
Having an air purifier at your home during this crucial time of “fresh-air-crisis” doesn’t only guarantee healthy lungs, but also has various other benefits. Air purifiers remove particles such as:
• Dust mites
• Pollen
• Allergens
• Mold
• Fungi
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Breathe clean healthy air for a healthier life. The professionals at Air Experts are highly experienced to ensure the overall air quality in your home is safe and refreshing. To schedule service or to learn more, simply give us a call.
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Effective tips to help reduce your AC’s power consumption
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Effective tips to help reduce your AC’s power consumption
With all of us spending most of our time within the comfort of our homes due to the pandemic, our electricity bills have been rising like never before. Most of us are dependent on our electronic friends and gadgets to pass our time and since the scorching heat during the day isn’t doing us any favour, air conditioning which consumes high power is also leading to the sudden increase in our electric bill. We are living in a time where everyone desires a quality life. However, just the thought of high air-conditioner bill might stop us from living the quality life that we dream of.
Thus, should your quality life be compromised over high air-conditioner bill? The answer is NO.
Here are some very simple and effective tips to help reduce your air conditioner’s power consumption whilst also maintaining a comfortable indoor environment.
1. Turn on the iECO mode:
Choose advanced and smart devices that keep you comfortable and the expenses light. Go for Midea AC’s which come with eco-friendly features. The unique iECO mode which stands for energy-saving technology lets you rest in ease for up to 8 hours whilst significantly saving reducing energy consumption.
2. Seal the leaks:
Do not let the cool air out! Try not to leave your windows or doors open when your AC is turned on. If you have cluttered windows, it reduces the effectiveness of the AC and so it’s better to seal them well. This in turn will have you run the AC for less time and save you some on your air conditioner’s bill.
3. Set the timer:
Setting a timer on the AC is one of the best things you can do to keep the bill down. Cooling your house for a certain time and sealing the leaks will keep your house at the desired temperature for a longer time. Avoid leaving the AC running all night and set a timer of around 1-2 hours or until the required time for you to fall asleep.
4. Wash air filters often:
The air filters keep the dust out of your AC system, allowing it to run smoothly. They block the dust and let the clean air inside the AC to be cooled. However, overtime these filters get clogged with dust and makes the AC work harder to get the air inside which often leads to high power consumption. In this case, cleaning the filters is a good idea. This will help your AC run efficiently. Also, if your air filters are old, get them exchanged.
5. Turn off at night, and save while you sleep:
Your body doesn't need to work just as hard to maintain a normal temperature at nights as it does during the day. You will enjoy some night time energy reserves and sweet dreams when your Air conditioner is turned off.
6. Turn off the heat-emitting culprits:
The TV, the computer, the printer, the corner lamp, the microwave, etc. emit a lot of heat, making it harder for your AC to keep the temperature under control. Switching them off allows your AC to sustain the temperature and helps to cool down faster. Practice this and you'll immediately save money on your air conditioning energy bill!
7. Use light colour drapes and blind:
Dark colour's such as black absorbs a huge amount of heat during summers. Thus, it warms up your entire place and takes more time to cool down. Thus, using light colour drapes or blinds will help you reduce the room’s heat and the AC shall have a easier time cooling it.
9 essential Air Conditioning Tips for summer
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
9 essential Air Conditioning Tips for summer
Get Your Air Conditioner Serviced Early
You should get your air conditioner serviced every year. Servicing in regular intervals is the best tip one can receive as it helps to save your money as well as your sanity. People who wait till the peak mid-summer to get their AC serviced suffer the dreadful heat. If you notice even a slightest problem with your AC, make sure to call a professional for help rather than waiting until summer to fix it. One should run the AC fully during the springs to make sure that the AC is running smoothly and needs no servicing. Habitual servicing definitely lets you enjoy the pros of the air conditioners so you can fully enjoy your summer.
Get Potential Problems Looked At Immediately
Using light drapes or curtains during the day can result in better AC performance. The indoor temperature can be controlled by blocking heat and direct sunlight from windows. Black colour absorbs heat and so, using light coloured drapes will not only seal any window leaks and prevent direct sunlight heat but, it will also save money whilst keeping you cool.
7 Signs you’re Getting Poor AC Service from your HVAC Contractor.
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Commercial HVAC Contractor: 7 Signs you’re Getting Poor Service.
1. The problem is not fixed on the first visit
This is the most common and frustrating problem that one faces with HVAC contractors. It is quite crucial as people completely rely on the ability of their AC to heat and cool and when they do not get this service right, they might not get the post purchase satisfaction.
On rare occasions, a revisit might be required. However, most of the time, you can expect your AC to get fixed at the first go itself. A red flag you might want to keep an eye out for is the constant adding of refrigerant by your technician. Adding refrigerant suggests that you have a leak in your system. Thus, you should get it fixed as soon as possible.
2. Failing to spot and address problems proactively
Service providers at times fail to identify issues, which lead to constant need of fixing and servicing. When you notice that you keep experiencing HVAC problems and it seems to be a different issue each time, it’s your cue to replace the current technician.
It is crucial for a technician to perform a thorough inspection during each visit. Eliminating problems from its root will proactively shorten the regular visits.
3. Not having the tools or parts on hand
When a technician is called in for a repair and you hear them say that they need to go back to get tools to get the HVAC fixed, it shows a sign of low- to-no professionalism.
Commercial HVAC contractors ought to carry 99% of what they need for repairs in their truck.
4. Failing to address your questions and concerns
It is the basic job requirement of HVAC service providers to take your concerns and queries seriously and investigate the problem. When they inspect thoroughly, they have more chances of answering your queries appropriately. If a HVAC technician is avoiding your concerns regarding the high bills, power consumption, hot/cold spots (assuming they know how to deal with it), they aren’t doing a good job at it.
5. Poor communication about work completed and needed
Agreement on what requires authorization by the technician and the customer is very important. It is the right of every customer to receive an explanation of what has been done and why. Any additional cost should be discussed beforehand and the technician should be able to provide cost estimations in detail.
It can be very frustrating when you see that your technician has left an illegible work behind. If your technician does not communicate with you or they go ahead with expensive tasks without your approval, it leads to misunderstandings and problems.
6. Leaving a mess behind
Creating a mess after work such as scattered tools, leaving debris around is a reflection of their laziness and carelessness and the mess they’ve created shows a sign of disrespect. It is better to file a complaint and get yourself a new technician!
7. Utility Bills are Rising Unexpectedly
Even after regular servicing, if you notice a steady increase in your utility bills or sudden increase by an abnormal amount, it’s a sign that your HVAC is not working efficiently. This is a sign that your HVAC technician may not be doing a good job at servicing your HVAC
If you need support with your air conditioner, we are always there at your service. please feel free to call us at +977-14222111, +977-9801041111 or mail us at
AC Price In Nepal (Updated March 2024)
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
The market for Air conditioners is Evolving. There are numerous ACs to choose from in Nepal, but finding the best AC at a reasonable price can be a real hassle. Before buying the AC, it is important to know which AC is the best in the market and find out the best AC price in Nepal.
This article can help you to know Midea and Mitsubishi’s AC prices in Nepal. Midea and Mitsubishi are one of the world’s number one brands for Air Treatment which has accumulated a good number of Global Sales. Air Experts is the sole distributor of both Midea and Mitsubishi AC. They come in various models for domestic and commercial use with the latest technology and features. Energy-efficient, Wifi controlling features, voice Command, fast and strong cooling, dual purification system, high-density filter and automatic self-cleaning are some of the unique features of Midea and Mitsubishi AC that make them the best. Midea and Mitsubishi have different ACs with different capacities and features. Here is the list of Midea and Mitsubishi AC available in Nepal and the price to compare. Visit air-experts website or contact Air experts for more information regarding prices and latest discount offers.
Midea AC price in Nepal
Type | Midea Wall Mounted Non Inverter Xtreme Series | ||
56,000.00 | 50,400.00 | ||
58,000.00 | 52,200.00 | ||
85,000.00 | 76,500.00 | ||
108,000.00 | 97,200.00 | ||
Midea Wall Mounted Inverter Xtreme Series with WiFi | |||
73,000.00 | 65,700.00 | ||
100,000.00 | 90,000.00 | ||
130,000.00 | 117,000.00 | ||
Midea Ceiling Cassette Non Inverter AC | |||
95,000.00 | 85,500.00 | ||
110,000.00 | 99,000.00 | ||
145,000.00 | 130,500.00 | ||
198,000.00 | 220,000.00 | ||
220,500.00 | 245,000.00 | ||
Midea Ceiling Cassette Inverter AC | |||
115,200.00 | 128,000.00 | ||
158,000.00 | 142,200.00 | ||
153,000.00 | 170,000.00 | ||
256,500.00 | 285,000.00 | ||
Midea Floor Standing AC | |||
157,500.00 | 175,000.00 | ||
234,000.00 | 260,000.00 | ||
262,000.00 | 235,800.00 | ||
Midea Ductable Inverter Type | |||
115,000.00 | 103,500.00 | ||
155,000.00 | 139,500.00 |
2.0 Ton | 185,000.00 | 166,500.00 |
Mitsubishi AC price in Nepal
Type | Mitsubishi Wall Mounted Inverter Heavy Duty Series | ||
90,000.00 | 81,000.00 | ||
95,000.00 | 85,500.00 | ||
135,000.00 | 121,500.00 | ||
150,000.00 | 135,000.00 | ||
190,000.00 | 171,000.00 | ||
210,000.00 | 189,000.00 | ||
Mitsubishi Wall Mounted Inverter Electric Series | |||
116,500.00 | 104,850.00 | ||
154,500.00 | 139,050.00 | ||
192,000.00 | 172,800.00 | ||
214,000.00 | 192,600.00 | ||
Mitsubishi Ceiling Cassette Inverter AC | |||
FDTC35VH1 | 185,000.00 | 166,500.00 | |
210,000.00 | 189,000.00 | ||
230,000.00 | 207,000.00 | ||
250,000.00 | 225,000.00 | ||
410,000.00 | 369,000.00 |
How to choose the right AC?
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
The weather always gets tricky in Nepal, so rather than having different appliances for different weather, an Air Conditioner can solve that hassle. Well, usually the Air Conditioner is considered just for cooling but AC actually does much more than that. AC could include humidifying or dehumidifying, it can work both as a cooler and heater, and it also purifies the air. Thankfully, Midea ACs have become a lot more affordable and even more efficient in these times.
But, choosing the right AC needs the proper knowledge of what kind of AC is suitable for your space. There are so many different types of AC and it is hard to know which one is the best for you. We will guide you through buying an air conditioner, the types and their function and the capacity along with the benefits and tips on how one should buy the best AC in the budget. This AC buying guide can make it easier for you to choose the best AC for yourself.
Let's get started with the types of AC.
Types of AC
Well, generally there are two kinds of AC, Window AC and Split AC.
They are pretty large since it has every component inside a single chassis. These ACs are also known as monoblocks for this very reason. These types of AC ideally require about 9-12 inch thick walls. A thinner wall may require an additional support structure, which will be necessary, or you’re better off looking for a thicker wall.
Split ACs are the improved version of Window ACs, split ACs are made by separating the compressor and heat dispensing coils into an external unit that sits outside your home. Split AC also comes in different ranges, in-ceiling cassette, multi-head, wall mounted all of which come in both inverter and non-inverter types.
The basic differences of Window AC and Midea Split AC can be highlighted as below.
Features | Windows AC | Midea Split AC |
Power Saving | Very Less | Comparatively Better (upto 71%) |
Price | Average | Comparatively Cheaper |
Cooling | Limited | Better Cooling |
Noise | Loud | Quiet |
Installation | Easy but require thicker wall | Easy, can be installed anywhere |
Capacity | Max 2.0 Ton | Not Restricted to 2.0 ton |
Benefits of Split AC:
Split series air conditioners are generally more powerful and energy-efficient than other classic windows ACs. If you’re looking to buy a Split AC at home, Midea air conditioners are the best in the market that comes in budget. Midea AC offers both cooling and heating functions, making it a great option for all-year operation. This is especially true for homes and establishments located in countries like Nepal with the summer and winter seasons.
Here are some of the major benefits of Midea Split AC:
Offers an affordable and competitive price range
3-in-1 functionality with optimum air conditioning, fan cooling and dehumidifying
Offers fast cooling and heating for all kind of weather
Can be easily installed anywhere without blocking the window
Does not require the room to have a window, can be fit on any wall
Does not require big space
Gives uniform cooling and heating across the room.
Things to remember while buying an AC:
Capacity of AC:
Choosing the right capacity of AC can be tricky, a smaller room doesn't need a bigger capacity AC, it will make a room cooler and warmer faster, but it will consume more electricity, and lower capacity AC for bigger rooms will take longer time hence will consume a lot of electricity but leaving your room temperature same for a longer time.
Power Consumption:
AC comes with different star ratings; the higher the star rating, the lower the electricity consumption. So while buying an AC, one should also be aware of the power consumption. Midea AC consumes 71% less energy.
The AC market these days is expanding and it comes with competitive price ranges. You can also find the price guide in our previous article “AC Price in Nepal”. Non-inverter ACs are less expensive than Inverter Type AC. Midea has different ranges of AC that comes at an affordable price with various attractive features.
There are so many ACs that come with various features. Look for features, such as anti-bacterial filters, self-cleaning, improving air quality, heating and cooling effect, dehumidifier, sleeping mode, coils used in the AC, wifi control features and etcetera. Midea AC comes with all of the above-mentioned features easy to install and maintain and it also has a longer life span.
Right AC for your bedroom
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Are you thinking about getting an AC for your bedroom? This blog will help you know what you need to consider before installing an AC in your bedroom. AC in the bedroom was once considered luxury but unpredictable climate change due to global warming has made AC a necessity. Air conditioning is especially tempting when you are spending restless nights, doesn't everyone want to sleep in comfort in their bedrooms? Researchers have found that a room with regulated temperatures makes for better sleep cycles and a good night’s sleep. Not only does Midea AC regulate good sleep but it prevents electronics from overheating, comes with dust and bacterial filters, also helps with dehydration and even heat strokes. Midea AC in the bedroom can make you jump right into bed for a sound sleep.
Not just for summer, AC can be the best solution for winter as well, Midea AC throws in warm air into the room allowing you to fall into a sweet, warm slumber. Midea AC comes with inverter technology that helps to save up to 71% on electricity bills, which means you can enjoy a good night's sleep without feeling guilty about your bills. Generally, the minimum outdoor temperature is around 15 degrees Celsius for an AC to work. Below this temperature, some of the ACs parts may get damaged and not function as intended. Luckily Midea AC delivers better cooling and heating effect and requires low maintenance, increasing the durability of the air conditioner. Midea AC is environment friendly with no ozone depletion potential without overthinking about environmental side effects. Apart from it, it comes with all standard features of a premium AC including smart diagnosis, silent operation, easy mobile control, auto-sleep, etc.
Now, let’s find out which is the best AC for your bedroom? You might want a wall mounted AC as it is easy to retrofit in case of renovations and cheaper to install. Make sure that your unit is never directly above your head but on either side or the opposite of it. Having a system that’s quiet and preferably comes with a remote would be the best option. Midea wall mounted air conditioners are the best for these, they come with easy installation, and mobile control features so that you can change settings from your mobile in bed and an automatic programming restart feature. They provide up to 700 sq ft of cool space depending on the model. With its slick looks and easy set-up, your AC will amp up your bedroom into a cool and slick one.
For starters, you don’t really need to look at products that offer a capacity that’s higher than 1-ton. Wall mounted AC are the most common units used in the bedroom, Midea Xtreme series is easy to retrofit in bedrooms without the need to redecorate. At 15% discount and 0% EMI Midea Xtreme is a real steal starting from 4500 to 6000 per month. It is advisable to check beforehand whether the AC manufacturing company has provisions for servicing or not? Air Experts provide a free site survey no matter how big or small the job. All surveys are carried out by our experienced air conditioning surveyors who can tackle even the toughest of bedroom installations. Air Experts works with you to provide not only a perfect AC experience but also help you repair and maintain your unit to assure a comfortable and unique experience.
How to Maintain your AC in the winter
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
With the ferocity of the winter in Nepal, many of us are left wondering about how we can take care of our ACs. For those with all-season ACs, the cold presents different debacles. Today, we will answer all your concerns with exactly how you can maintain your AC for the winter.
- Check and Change Air Filter
During the summer, it’s a lot easier to remember to change your air filter but come winter, your memory freezes over. When you’re using your AC regularly it’s best to change your HVAC air filters every 90 days. Although this might not feel like an important task, the quality of your HVAC Air filters plays a significant role in the performance of your AC and the comfort of your AC during chilly winter nights.
- Coil Cleaning
Coil cleaning is just as important as changing your air filter, make sure to check for damage on your coils and clean them regularly. Being negligent about this task can ruin the cozy warmth you’re expecting in the winter. You can mix up plain detergent with some water and spray it onto your evaporator coils, after they loosen up you can wipe off the debris and your HVAC system will be as good as new. If you’re looking to make more of an investment you can easily find self-rinsing evaporator oil in the market.
- Check your thermostat settings
You’re going to need to change your thermostat settings in the winter to reduce the cooling functions and amp up the heating functions. It works best if you have a programmable thermostat that will serve your needs precisely. Make sure you have fresh batteries in your thermostat for uninterrupted warmth. If you’re concerned about your utility bills it’s also smart to adjust your thermostat accordingly when you’re at work or running errands.
- Avoid Big Temperature Changes
During mild winter days, it’s often pleasant enough to open up your windows and let some sunlight in. If there are consistent temperature changes throughout the day, your AC might work better when you shut it down when it’s a little warm. Drastic temperature changes make your AC overwork which compromises the overall performance of your system. So if you’re experiencing mild winter days. Shut off your AC and turn it on again when the temperature lowers. This will make sure that your HVAC system is working at its full potential when you need it the most.
- Inspection before the Winter
Yes, we know it might be a little late but if you didn’t get your HVAC system inspected in the fall, you can still do one now. Not only does it reduce cold-related damages drastically, but it ensures lower utility bills and fewer breakdowns. Having HVAC professionals repair and maintain your AC before/ during the winter is a fool-proof way of extending your system’s lifespan so remember this tip for the next fall too!
HVAC professionals will look for any signs of damage on your system and yes, they’ll even clean and optimize the furnace for your absolute comfort.
Keep these tips in mind the next time you’re using your AC for a guaranteed way to bask in the comfort and warmth of ACs in the winter. If you run into any problems during inspections or cleaning, contact professionals for a thorough check-up on your HVAC system.
What Is An HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) System?
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
What Is An HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) System?
To begin with, HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Usually, Residential and commercial buildings are heated and cooled using this technology. HVAC systems are often found in a variety of places, from single-family houses to commercial buildings. These systems, which are becoming more widespread in new construction, use outside fresh air to provide excellent inside air quality. The process of replacing or exchanging air within a room is represented by the V in HVAC or ventilation. This improves indoor air quality by removing moisture, smoke, smells, heat, dust, airborne bacteria, carbon dioxide, and other pollutants, as well as controlling temperature and replenishing oxygen.How Exactly Does A HVAC System Work?
When it comes to delivering adequate indoor air quality and thermal comfort, the three major tasks of an HVAC system are intertwined. The main function of HVAC equipment is to move air. There is a system in place to transport warm air elsewhere, either into or out of the house. The heat is captured or created by the air conditioner, heat pump, and furnace in a home, and then moved by the blower and ductwork. The air return, filter, exhaust outlets, ducts, electrical elements, outdoor unit, compressor, coils, and blower are the nine sections of the HVAC system.Air Return
The air return is the component of the system that initiates the ventilation cycle. This return collects air, filters it, and then returns it to the main system. On a quick note - Dusting the returns on a regular basis helps prevent debris and dust from accumulating on the filters.Filter
The air is drawn through the filter, which is the second stage of the air return. Changing the filters on a regular basis keeps the system in peak form.Exhaust Outlets
The exhaust outlets, which are where the exhaust created by the heating system is released, are another component of the system.Ducts
The pathways through which warm or cooled air moves are known as ducts. To make sure everything is working in order, have ducts cleaned every 2 to 5 years.Electrical Elements
This section of the system can be a little difficult, but it's where most problems start. Check for a tripped breaker or dead batteries in the thermostat if something isn't operating properly.Outdoor Unit
When someone discusses an HVAC system, this is most often the part of the system that comes to mind. The fan that generates airflow is housed in the outdoor unit.Compressor
The compressor is responsible for turning refrigerant from a gas to a liquid and sending it to the coils as part of the outside unit. Checking the compressor if something doesn't seem to be working properly can prevent system failures caused by this.Coils
Coils, which are usually found as part of the outside unit, cools the air as it passes through with the help of the refrigerant. Check your coils at least once a year. You should check your filter and/or refrigerant levels if they freeze.Blower
Warm air is drawn into the main section of the unit by the blower. The more efficiently this air flows through your system, the more durable it will be.What Does An HVAC System Contain?
Now we know that HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning and that these are the three major components of the complete system.A furnace or boiler is commonly referred to as a heating element. If you're working with a forced-air system, it also comprises a pipe system for the heat-carrying fluid or ductwork.
The ventilation system is either natural or forced, and forced ventilation is frequently utilized for air cleaning as well.
Air cooling, which is the polar opposite of heating, is the third and final component of an HVAC system, as many of us are aware. Its primary goal is to remove the current heat from the home's interior.
What Is The Difference Between Heating, Ventilation, And Air Conditioning (HVAC) And Air Conditioning (AC)?
Surprisingly, we are frequently asked this question. So, how do you tell the difference between HVAC and air conditioning? Although air conditioning is the final part of the HVAC acronym, the terms are frequently used interchangeably to refer to any type of heating or cooling device in a home. Consider HVAC as a broad phrase, and air conditioning as a specific component.What Is the Best HVAC Brand?
In the HVAC world, there are a lot of contenders, we suggest you get the best one that comes with the latest features & Air Conditioning as it is going to be a long term investment. Midea has been well known for its reliability and high-efficiency.How Long Does It Take For An HVAC System To Break Down?
Now that you know what an HVAC system is made up of, you're undoubtedly curious how long a new one will last. The length of time the system will last is entirely dependent on the equipment. However, if you follow the manufacturer's recommendations for annual maintenance, your equipment will serve you for many years. Do you want to replace your current HVAC system? Or perhaps you'd like to add one altogether? Midea Air Conditioners can be the best choice, and which goes long lasting and comes with the best and latest features.
All you need to know about the Midea Xtreme Series Wall Mounted Non- Inverter type air conditioner
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
The air conditioning system and service you choose can make or break your way of life. Air Experts Nepal and its partner businesses can provide you with both the correct service and the right products. There are numerous varieties of AC in Nepal. Each has its own characteristics that are suited to various housing and business kinds. To choose the ideal system, you must be well-versed in all of the available possibilities such as the Ac price in Nepal and the variety of models available. Here is a comprehensive detail of the most popular type of air conditioner Midea Xtreme Series Wall Mounted Non – Inverter type.
The Midea Xtreme series Non inverter air conditioner offers an energy efficiency class of A++/A++ (cooling/heating), as well as a built-in clear front panel display and a unique design. It is more comfortable, safer, healthier and more convenient than any other air conditioner.
Here are the features that make it more comfortable
- “Follow Me” function: The temperature sensor included into the remote controller by Midea will sense the air temperature. As a result, the unit can more precisely control room temperature to provide you with comfort. With the follow me option, you may always have the temperature you want, no matter where you are in the room.
- Turbo mode: It'sTurbo mode provides faster comfort temperature. The device will enter turbo mode with ultra-high speed and reach the set temperature faster if the turbo button on the remote controller is pressed. The indoor fan will automatically return to the default speed after 20 minutes in turbo mode. Turbo mode reduces the amount of time it takes to cool down or warm up.
- Auto Swing function: allows for a greater spread of comfort temperature. By rotating horizontal flaps automatically, it distributes cool/warm air to maximize area.
- Sleep mode: When you fall asleep, your body temperature drops, and the air conditioner raises the temperature to prevent you from getting a cold.
- Dual filtration system: The first health guardian is the dual filtering system. The dust and hazardous particles are removed from the indoor air by the High-Density Filter. Hazardous particles such as formaldehyde and ammonia are absorbed by the Cold Catalyst Filter.
- Golden fin filter: The second healthy guardian is the golden fin. Golden fins for condensers are more resistant to oxidation and corrosion than standard fins, resulting in a more stable and long-lasting operating environment. It has the ability to effectively prevent bacteria from reproducing and spreading while also being resistant to corrosive substances.
- Self-clean function: The third healthy guardian is the self- clean function. The indoor unit will run in a special combination mode to blow and dry the indoor evaporator to keep it clean and healthy.
Here are the features that make it safer
- Refrigerant leakage detection: When refrigerant leakage is detected, the indoor unit will display error code "EC" and will automatically shut down. This feature can better protect the compressor from high temperatures caused by refrigerant leakage.
- Electronic Control Box with Fire-Resistant Design: Electronic Control Box with Fire-Resistant Design meets greater fire safety requirements to avoid interior fires caused by electric spark accidents.
Here are the features that make it more convenient
- Auto Restart Function: If the air conditioner shuts down abruptly due to a power outage, it will automatically restart in the previous setting mode when the power is restored.
- Timer Function: Set the unit to automatically start and stop every 24 hours. Midea's smartphone APP allows you to set timers for the air conditioner for one week. Select when it should turn on/off and repeat the weekly routines to enjoy cool, refreshing air whenever you like.
- Flash Cool: Midea air conditioner uses a high-frequency startup technology to quickly provide a strong flow of cool air for your immediate comfort.
- Quiet Mode: in Quiet mode, the air flow and fan speed are both decreased to reduce noise, allowing you to sleep well.
Purchasing an AC in Nepal occupies a significant portion of your family's budget. As a result, before making a precise choice of air conditioner, it's a good idea to know about the key attributes and features of air conditioners and decide which ones you'd want to have in yours. Then you can compare and contrast different classes and models. Visit Air Experts Nepal to learn more about the many options we have for your air conditioning needs!
Why choose Midea Xtreme series Wall Mounted inverter type Air Conditioner
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
When it comes to air conditioning systems, Midea is the world's leading manufacturer. Their cutting-edge air conditioner provides your home with the coolness and comfort it craves all year. The wall-mounted inverter type air conditioner is one of Midea's best-selling products, and here's why you should choose it.
The outdoor and indoor units of the Midea wall mounted inverter type air conditioners are installed on the wall. Because they are positioned at the top of the wall and consequently take up little space, they are ideal for air conditioning small spaces. Wall air conditioners are particularly efficient for both cooling and heating if installed correctly. It will blend in seamlessly with your surroundings while providing tremendous cooling and comfort.
So, with so many wall-mounted AC in Nepal, you may be asking why you should choose Midea. The following are the key elements that set Midea apart from other wall-mounted air conditioners:
1. Smart WIFI Control, wherever you are
For utmost convenience and peace of mind, simply download the Midea Air app Smart WIFI Control from your Play store or App store to control your home's air conditioning at any time and from anywhere. It has a remote control that is controlled using an app. The Midea Air app, which runs on the cloud and uses the M-smart security protocol, makes your home life easier, smarter, and more comfortable by putting a variety of functions at your fingertips.
2. Voice command function via external devices and APP
You can use Amazon Echo or Google Home to manage the air conditioner using voice commands. The Midea home app includes an intelligent voice control feature that lets you talk to your phone while controlling your Midea air conditioner, check the weather, and more.
3. Bio HEPA Filter
The Bio HEPA filtration system removes airborne particles like PMO.3 and other harmful substances, providing fresh clean and healthy air for you.
4. Cold Catalyst Filter
The cold catalyst filtration system thoroughly eliminates harmful substances and decomposes a variety of harmful gases, providing you with clean and healthy air.
5. Energy efficiency
Wall inverter air conditioners are energy efficient It can help significantly reduce electricity bills with up to 71% electricity saving than conventional Ac's and thus save on these costs in the long run.
6. Warranty
To make sure you get the best service and equipment, when you purchase a Midea AC in Nepal you are provided with a warranty of more than a year. One of the reasons you should choose Midea as one of the best wall air conditioners is their efficiency, affordable price, and reliability. Midea inverter type air conditioners have a warranty of 36 months on Compressor.
Wall-mounted inverter air conditioners are a cost-effective way to cool your home. They are a cost-effective technique to chill and heat small to medium rooms in the home. Furthermore, the Midea Xtreme wall mounted inverter air conditioner's Xtreme features make it an excellent choice for you. Visit Air Experts Nepal to see all of the numerous alternatives we have available for your air conditioning needs! On this page, you'll find all of the Midea AC models in Nepal that you can count on to keep your house cool and pleasant.
Is Midea Ceiling Cassette Air conditioner the best AC for you?
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Nowadays, an air conditioner, often known as an AC, is a necessary household device. For productive work environments for employees and visiting clients, it has become a must in modern office buildings, apartments, and warehouses. Some of them are even utilized to keep server rooms cool so that the equipment can work correctly.
It's not easy to find the proper AC in Nepal for your house or office. When it comes to choosing the best, most individuals stick to window or split air conditioning. This is due to their ease of use and low price and installation costs. The majority of people never consider getting a cassette air conditioner. However, this is beginning to change in Nepal. Many homeowners are beginning to favor Midea cassette air conditioners to traditional air conditioners. Does this imply that you should get a Midea cassette air conditioner as well? To answer this question, you must first comprehend the definition of a cassette air conditioner and its advantages.
What is a Ceiling Cassette Ac and how does it work?
Ceiling cassette air conditioners, as the name implies, are installed in the ceiling and distribute conditioned air on two, three, or four sides. Midea Cassette air conditioners operate similarly to other wall-mounted split system air conditioners. The cassette systems differ in that they are positioned on the ceiling rather than the wall. The conditioned air is distributed through two, three, or four sides of the device by the inner unit, which is mounted on the ceiling. The external device, like a traditional wall-mounted system unit, is positioned on the exterior.
Where to install cassette air conditioners?
Cassette air conditioners are quiet and come in a variety of sizes and capacities. You must be wondering about the AC price in Nepal and the models available. You can find a variety of Midea cassette air conditioners in Air experts Nepal. This allows you the flexibility to select a model that meets your needs and fits your budget. Cassette air conditioners are more suited for larger spaces. Because they take up a lot of ceiling space -and because the ceiling is usually made up of beams - you'll need to consult an expert to figure out where it's best to put them. Experts frequently advise that cassette air conditioners be positioned in a location that provides for a balanced airflow.
The guidelines for installing the external unit for an air conditioning type cassette split system are the same as for any other type of split system. External units must be positioned in secure locations with no potential for causing vibrations. They must have enough open space on both sides to allow the air to flow freely. They should also be easy to maintain and not be exposed to corrosive substances. The noise produced by the exterior body must also be considered.
Advantages of a Ceiling Cassette System
- Saves space: Cassette air conditioning is positioned on the ceiling, so it doesn't take up any wall or window space. It's especially handy in showrooms where things must be displayed on the walls. Walls in living rooms can be used for more useful purposes, such as hanging pictures or displaying ornamental lights.
- Quiet operation: The cassette air conditioner operates quietly, much quieter than conventional air conditioners. You won't hear any noise because the compressor is located outside the structure. Unless they glance up at the ceiling, many people will not notice that you have an air conditioner in the room.
- Cools quickly and covers a wide area:Ceiling cassettes are often more powerful than wall-mounted units, allowing them to cool quickly and cover a larger area. The AC is able to chill the space much more efficiently because it is situated on the ceiling and hot air ascends above and cool air descends downwards. Furthermore, the four-way circulation not only cools a large area, but it also ensures that your preferred temperature is maintained throughout the room.
- Elegant appearance:The cassette air conditioner, which measures 2 feet by 2 feet, appears to be pretty attractive. The tiny fascia panel is the only part of the cassette air conditioner you'll see. There is no other visible part, which contributes to the room's or office's beauty.
In their cassette air conditioners, Midea AC in Nepal has managed to incorporate the most recent technology and functionalities. Because of their high energy efficiency and low price, they are one of the most popular cassette air conditioners. For further information, go to Air Experts Nepal.
A step-by step guide on how to change your AC filter & why it’s important
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
The purpose of the air filter is to keep dust and debris out of your HVAC system. You'd be surprised of how much dust accumulates there in such a short period of time. Due to the recent risk of viruses, AC filters have received a lot of attention recently. Given the uncertainties surrounding the virus's airborne transmission, some scientists advise using higher-efficiency filters to trap virus particles.
If you're wanting to replace your AC filter for that reason, read our handy article to learn more reasons why air conditioner filter replacement is important, and how to take care of it safely. When your air conditioner's filter becomes clogged, dust and dirt enter the unit, inflicting wear and tear on the components. You probably understand what it means: the more wear and tear on the parts, the sooner they wear out and cause a breakdown. In addition, the blocked filter inhibits enough air from flowing through the system to keep it functioning correctly.
Knowing when to change your air conditioner filter is useful. During peak season, you should check and change the AC filter every month. That's probably more frequently than you'd like to call your go-to HVAC technician. Of course, we love seeing you, but this is a job that you can certainly tackle on your own if you want to. Knowing how to change the AC filter yourself is very advantageous.
How to Replace an Air Conditioner Filter
To change the AC unit filter and keep your system functioning well, follow these simple instructions.
Locate the Filter
The task of replacing the air filter in your air conditioner is simple and quick. But first, you'll need to figure out where the AC filter is placed. That can be the most difficult portion because there are various possibilities. The filters in some systems are situated in the return air duct. This is the one that returns air from your room to the air handler system of your air conditioner. Finding the filters in a complex system with several air handlers and return ducts might be difficult. It's also possible that the air filter for both systems is positioned in or near the furnace's blower system if you’re heating and air conditioning systems share the same ductwork. If that's the case, it's normally near the bottom of the furnace, near the front. You may be able to view and reach the filter without opening anything, or you may need to open a metal panel on the front or top of the blower (labeled FILTER). Hooks or screws can be used to secure the panel. Inquire with your HVAC service technician. Simply tell him you want to learn how to change the AC filter, and he'll show you where to look for it, how to remove the old one and replace it, and where to acquire the correct filters for your system.
Use the right replacement Filter
The other potentially difficult aspect is ensuring that you employ the appropriate filters. The filter size is often printed on the filter's side. When in doubt, ask your HVAC technician to acquire you a supply of the correct filters, or show you the filter's size information so you may order them yourself.
Also, keep in mind that filters that do more than just keep dust out of your air conditioner may be necessary. You should invest in HEPA filters with a MERV rating of 10 or above if you want to improve the air quality in your room by removing pollen, mold, and other dangerous particles.
Most importantly, before selecting better efficiency filters for your system, consult with an HVAC specialist! Reduced air flow might cause a drop in performance and even repair concerns in some circumstances. Your system may also be unable to accommodate the filter's size.
How to change the AC filter: STEPS TO REPLACE
1.DISCONNECT THE POWER: For two reasons, this is critical. The first concern is your safety. Don't come into contact with live voltage! The safety of your equipment is the second factor. If you remove the blocked filter while the machine is still operating, dust and debris may be sucked into the unit. It's critical that you turn off the electricity at both the unit and the circuit breaker.
2. DISCARD THE OLD FILTER: It's as simple as sliding it out of the slot that holds it in place.
3. EXAMINE THE CONDITION: Check the condition of the AC filter once you've removed it. Does it appear to be filthy and dusty? You won't notice much light coming through if you hold it up to the light. Depending on the sort of filter you're using, it needs to be replaced or cleaned. Replace it even if it's been in use for less time than the manufacturer recommends. Many things can influence how quickly your filters clog. The smog alone can impair the life of an air filter.
4. SAFELY DISPOSE OF THE OLD FILTERS: Place the filter in a plastic bag and toss it away in a trash receptacle outside your space if it contains impurities.
5. WASH THE FILTER: Do you prefer disposable or reusable filters? A disposable filter is usually made of cardboard with a paper or fiber mesh surface. A permanent, reusable filter is constructed of a more durable substance with a metal frame and a washable coating. Check the manufacturer's washing directions if you're cleaning a reusable one. Most likely, all you'll need to do is rinse with water and let dry fully. In certain circumstances, you can just vacuum the dust away.
6. PLUG IN A NEW OR CLEANED FILTER: Now all you have to do is reassemble it properly. The direction that air should travel through the filter is indicated by an arrow on the filter's frame, which is always away from the return air duct and toward the air handler mechanism. Make sure the arrow on the filter points away from the return and toward the air handler when you replace it in the housing.
Wasn't that simple? Set a reminder for yourself so you remember to change your AC filter every month now that you know how. If you don't have a regular HVAC repair technician to inquire about how to change an AC filter, it's probable that you've been neglecting other vital maintenance jobs as well. Regular maintenance keeps your equipment in good functioning order, extending the life and efficiency of the parts. This means the system uses less energy, requires fewer expensive maintenance, and has a longer lifespan.
What Is the Purpose of Midea Dehumidifier?
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
What Is the Purpose of Midea Dehumidifier?
As the weather warms up, the finest dehumidifier like Midea Dehumidifier will successfully decrease any remaining moisture, which is generally the case if your house has humidity. Over time, Midea Dehumidifier will prevent the growth of mold, mildew, and water stains. More significantly, Midea dehumidifier will enhance overall air quality, especially for allergy patients.
Moisture in the air makes it heavier and frequently more difficult to breathe. As a result, patients with asthma may struggle in high-humidity situations. Furthermore, the Midea dehumidifier will eliminate musty aromas in our houses and serve as useful machines for fast drying newly washed clothing. Midea dehumidifiers may help with asthma management too. If you live in a naturally humid area, Midea dehumidifier can also help to chill your house and decrease the need for an air conditioner.
How does Midea dehumidifier work?
Midea dehumidifier operates by using a fan to suck warm air currents into its coils. Warm air contracts as it passes through the machine's chilled coils, and condensation forms within the dehumidifier. As condensation forms, one droplet of water at a time, it falls into a storage tank connected to the dehumidifier. Cooler, drier air is subsequently discharged into your house through the machine's opposite side.
Midea dehumidifier will reduce the moisture in the air to 30 to 50% relative humidity. It also come with a meter that monitors the relative humidity in your house, and you may set the humidity to whatever percentage you choose.
Signs that you may need a dehumidifier
Dehumidifiers are most effective in regions where wet air gathers, such as basements. The following are some indicators that you might consider purchasing a dehumidifier:
- Year after year, everyone in the house suffers from a lengthy allergy season.
- You've recently relocated, and your allergies appear to be greater or more frequent than before.
- There is a persistent wet odor in an area of your home where you spend a lot of time.
- After a hard storm, water leaks into your area.
- When you enter your home, you sense humid air, indicating that you can see water vapor in the air.
- Everyone in the house is allergic to dust mites.You've seen an increase in pests including spiders, cockroaches, moths, and silverfish.
- Even though you just washed them, your clothing still smell wet or moldy.
- You have chronic respiratory infection symptoms such as coughing and a runny nose.
What should you consider before buying dehumidifier?
First, assess the size of the room for which you want it, since this will effect the output. There are some that are suitable for smaller rooms and others that are suitable for larger settings.
A home dehumidifier is a piece of household equipment that reduces the level of moisture in the air. Large dehumidifiers are also employed in commercial facilities to manage the stage of moisture. Some designs, such as the ionic tissue layer home dehumidifier, dispose of extra ordinary water in the form of steam rather than fluid.
Dehumidifiers' energy efficiency might vary greatly. You should also consider the energy expenses connected with the appliance before purchasing it
Midea Air Dehumidifier is portable and suitable for all sorts of apartment and home settings up to 116 m2. Its outstanding performance is demonstrated by its dehumidifying capability of 50 l/day. The 6 l dehumidifier condensate tank is enough for long-term operation and does not require monitoring. Another benefit is its reasonably quiet operation at 58.9 dB, indicating that you may comfortably switch it on when at home.
The Magical Innovation Like Never Before
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
The Midea Breezeless inverter air conditioner is finally available in Nepal. Midea Breezeless combines cutting-edge technology and a number of modern functions to meet the demands of even the most demanding consumers. What makes Midea Breezeless unique is that it has the seamless Air Flow. Now you can say good byre to icy bite of the traditional AC that directly pokes into your skin. Ultra low electricity is the another best feature of this AC that means it can save upto 80% of electricity consumption. This exceptionally quiet, an eye-catching designed AC is appropriate for residential, commercial or office air conditioning, and its wide working range allows for effective heating and cooling in both low and high-temperature zones.
The dual nano-holes and S-Wing side air vents distributee the even airflow due to the Twin Flap technology. It can adjust the correct temperature within 40 seconds. It is designed to spread air forward and to the both side. It has the most recent and energy-efficient refrigerant, making it most ecologically friendly choice. It also has Wi-Fi control feature hence t possible to control the air conditioning system from anywhere in the world using smartphone or tablet.
The Midea Breezeless has energy-saving ECO technology, providing pleasant cooling while reducing energy usage by up to 80%. It also has the night mode, it automatically reduces or raises by the room temperature by 1 degree Celsius for the first two hours, after which it remains constant. The air conditioner's remote control has a temperature sensor that measures the temperature in the surrounding environment. This feature fine-tunes the room temperature to deliver the desired level of comfort. And the Quiet Mode ensures peaceful slumber and silence.
The Refrigerant Leakage Detect feature detects the problems by itself and will show the error code "EC" and shut down automatically. The high-density filter collects the finest dust particles in the air and produces cleaner and healthier air than standard high-density dust filters. You can be sure that the air you breathe is always clean and fresh, and the air conditioner will last longer. In the event of an unexpected power interruption, the device will restart keeping your air conditioner safe.
It has the best features to elevate the level of comfort, such as:
BreezeleSS+ Effect
BreezeleSS+ is equipped with TwinFlap™. The two opposite flaps, with 7,928 micro-holes are designed to turn the airflow into thousands of tiny particles of cool air, softening the airflow to eliminate the feeling of cold air blasts.
Side Outlet
BreezeleSS+ is the first and only split air conditioner with “side outlet”. The S-Wing design allows for outlets on two sides of the unit to work along with the front outlet to disperse cool air. This helps the Breezeless unit to cool down the room more evenly and effectively than conventional air conditioners.
Self Cleaning Outdoor Unit
At the end of each operation the outdoor unit fan will run in reverse, removing dust to improve efficiency and reduce wear and tear.
Rapid Cooling
With ultra-high inverter compressor operation speed (65Hz within 6s), ultra-fast fan, and ultra-wide air outlet (70mm), Breezeless can rapidly decrease the room temperature within 60 seconds.
Economic Mode
This function allows you to enjoy comfortable conditions with significant energy savings in Economic mode vs. Automatic mode.
Filters and Self Cleaning
The filters eliminate bacteria, viruses, allergens, dust and bad odours. The self-cleaning function eliminates condensation water and expels bacteria.
Better life. Sweeter dreams. The all-new aerodynamic design of the air duct and fan lets cool air pass through smoothly with minimal friction, resulting in operating noise as low as 20dB. That's as much noise as a growing flower makes. With BreezeleSS+, stay cool, calm, and serene deep into the night.
The new model of Midea breezeles MSFAAU-12HRFN8 is a new generation air conditioner that will impress you with its innovative technology capabilities, the efficiency of its various energy-saving modes, and stylish design. Find out more about this exclusive model on our product section. And the price of Midea Breezeless Air Conditioner is also very reasonable, it cost 97000 Npr, providing you the comfort like no any AC can give you.
Does Rain Affect Your Air Conditioner?
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
There are many concerns about how the elements can affect the air conditioner. The short answer to the question "Does rain affect my air conditioning unit?" is "No." Rain has no effect on your air conditioner, whether it is a central system or an outdoor unit. A little rain can actually be beneficial, but there is more to the story, let’s look into this in detail:
Heavy Rains are not a problem for outdoor units
Even if it rains heavily, the outdoor unit will not be harmed or damaged. The external unit of Midea Air Conditioner is made of extremely durable materials that have been designed to withstand harsh conditions such as rain, hail, and sun.
Midea Brezeless Air Conditioners, which have been professionally designed keeping the AC unit safe and has longer lifespan, hence making it the best option.
Rain will not cause rust unless…
New Midea Breezeless outdoor unit will not rust if it gets wet in the rain. The metal fins of Midea Breezeless AC system allow air to circulate inside it, drying out any moisture. However, improper off-season covering can cause corrosion of certain components.
Only during extremely strong storms, such as hurricanes, should you cover the condenser to prevent damage from wind-blown debris. Something strong, such as plywood, should be secured with the power turned off for this purpose, and it should be removed immediately after the storm. Otherwise, simply keep the condenser clean and rinse the dirt out on a regular basis.
Although covering the unit can protect the painted cabinet from weathering and keep debris from falling into the vents, it is not required if you are simply trying to keep your unit dry. If you're worried about sticks and leaves accumulating inside your AC unit, you can get special covers from the manufacturer.
However, please remember that you should not cover your unit with a plastic tarp or a garbage bag. Plastic traps moisture inside, causing rust, mold, and mildew and possibly causing the unit to fail sooner.
Rain improves indoor air quality.
Rain has no direct effect on Midea Breezeless AC units, but it does improve the quality of your indoor air. When it's raining, using Midea Breezeless air conditioners is a good way to reduce humidity levels, as it has the humidity control feature and you can easily track it by your Mobile Device. Moisture is condensed as air passes over the indoor evaporator coil. When the sun shines again, the PVC tubing drains it, causing the air to dry.
Rain improves performance.
Rain assists in cooling the coils and washing away any dust that has accumulated on them. Clean coils allow adequate airflow to cool coils down faster, improving the performance and efficiency of the air conditioner. Midea Breezeless AC already has Automatic self-cleaning, so you should worry about cleaning the AC. However, for commercial systems, it is recommended to have your HVAC systems professionally cleaned at least once a month during peak seasons and at the start of each season.
Rain washes away any debris lodged in outdoor units
Don't be concerned about getting the electrical components wet; any electrical wiring, such as that used in the condenser coil, will be insulated from wet or rainy conditions. And rain actually washes away any debris that had become lodged in outdoor units.
Now, if rain has no harm on your Air Conditioning system then,
What can harm the air conditioning system?
1. When there is a flood
It goes without saying that a flood can cause significant property damage. Heavy rain can also submerge a portion of the condenser if it is not properly protected, causing damage to your system.
2. Wind damage
Heavy rains and strong winds can blow leaves, twigs, dirt, and other debris into your air conditioner and damage the condenser fan grille. After a storm, we recommend giving your outdoor unit a thorough cleaning. Lightning strikes and power outages can also cause significant damage to the AC unit, so turn off your system to minimize damage caused by a power surge.
How to Keep Midea Breezeless Air Conditioning System Safe
During a storm, turn off your system.
After a storm or flood, have your system inspected by a professional.
After heavy rains and winds, thoroughly clean your outdoor unit.
Clean and maintain your air conditioning system once a month during peak seasons and once at the beginning of each season.
During the off-season, use a commercial air conditioner cover.
Look no further than Midea Breezless Air Conditioners for year-round comfort solutions. Midea Breezeless unit’s hardware is designed for durability, from the materials it is made from to the wau the AC unit actually works.
We, at Air Experts Nepal, provide the World-Class Midea Air Conditioner that you want to keep your unit in top condition, which is why we are so concerned. We not only provide the best AC in Nepal but also offer professional air conditioning service for Midea Air conditioner, so you can rely on our dependable technicians to meet your AC needs.
Can You Use A Dehumidifier And An Air Conditioner Together?
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Can You Use A Dehumidifier And An Air Conditioner Together?
Have you ever wondered if a dehumidifier is necessary during the hot summer months when the air conditioning is turned on? Finding out the answer might actually surprise you.
Midea Breezless air conditioners circulate cool air throughout the house via a network of ducts and registers. The air conditioner draws in warm air and recirculates cool air back into the house. This cooling cycle is repeated until the desired temperature is reached in the home.
Humidity and Air Conditioners
Midea Breezeless Air conditioners also help to dehumidify incoming air. However, if you have a humid basement, then it is recommended to use Dehumidifier, to achieve low humidity or any space where humidity will be most noticeable.
Whether the basement is finished or unfinished, it will become humid regardless of whether the air conditioner is turned on.
Since, the relationship between heat and moisture, your Midea Air conditioner requires an ally to work more efficiently in maintaining a comfortable temperature in your home. Running a dehumidifier in your air-conditioned home will reduce your overall energy consumption because the dehumidifier makes it easier to remove moisture, allowing your air conditioner to cool your home faster.
Advantages of running Dehumidifier and AC together
Using dehumidifiers along with Midea Breezless during the hot summer months can provide numerous benefits because proper humidity levels not only keep you comfortable, but also keep your home safer. Your furnishings are protected because there is no musty odor on your upholstery and no paint peeling from the added moisture. You and your family will be healthier because your skin will be free of stickiness, allergies will be reduced, and your home will not become a breeding ground for dust mites.
Mold is every homeowner's worst nightmare, appearing when two conditions are met: moisture and a surface to grow on. Running a Midea Breezeless Air Conditioner can alone fight against mold invading your home. But if you live in cold regions where AC is providing the comfortable warm temperature in your room can sometimes be the ideal environment for mold to grow, in such cases dehumidifiers can significantly reduce the likelihood of mold taking hold.
The Perfect Balance
The relative humidity in your home is measured as a gram-per-cubic-meter of water vapor divided by the gram-per-cubic-meter of moisture that the air can maximally hold at the current temperature.
For most spaces, the ideal relative humidity level is to maintain a 45-50 percent split. A relative humidity level of more than 50% can create an unfavorable environment for mold spores to grow, while a relative humidity level of less than 30% can be equally damaging. It can make colds, irritated skin, and respiratory passages more likely. Extreme dryness can cause wood floors to separate.
Contradiction in Energy Efficiency
Although it may appear to be contradictory, an energy-efficient home in a hot, humid climate with added insulation, energy-efficient appliances, and energy-efficient windows reduces the amount of time your air conditioner runs. Isn't that a good thing? Since, both Midea Brezeless Air Conditioner Midea Dehumidifiers consume low electricity sp you shouldn’t worry about the heavy electricity bill. However if the house is so well insulated against the elements, your air conditioner may only be used occasionally. This is actually a disadvantage because there is no active dehumidification during the hours when your house is not actively cooling. Because of this phenomenon, the indoor relative humidity in your home will rise.
And moreover, you can easily monitor or determine the current humidity level of your home due to mobile phone control features available in Midea Breezeles, which will measure the humidity level of your home easily and automatically.
So, the answer to the question, "Do I Need a Dehumidifier if I Have Air Conditioning?" is a resounding yes, because using both appliances will create the ideal environment for you and your family. Hence, by supplementing your air conditioner with a dehumidifier, your home will achieve the best results possible.
Midea Floor Standing AC
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Midea Floor Standing AC is the best solution for you to get cool summer and warm winter with its four-in-one feature consisting of the cooling mode, heating mode, fan mode, and dehumidifier mode. It’s an ideal solution for your commercial, industrial, or residential space. You can use this unit anywhere in a room or building where you want to keep yourself comfortable at all times. The unit features a strong exterior, which makes it durable and long-lasting. The machine also features an intelligent cooling and heating system that can be adjusted according to the room temperature to keep you cool or warm as per your preference at all times with added following benefits:
It’s a perfect solution for those who want to get rid of the hassle and cost of installation. It offers you an easy setup, which means you can use it anywhere in your home and office without any hassles. The unit has four multi-directional caster wheels that allow you to move it from room to room with ease.
The Midea floor standing AC is designed with a highly efficient compressor that helps to make the unit more energy-efficient. This means you can save money on your monthly electricity bills. The lower consumption of power ultimately leads to higher savings.
The Dehumidifier mode is perfect if you live in an area prone to excessive dampness. It helps to reduce the amount of moisture in the air, which can help prevent mold and mildew from growing in your home and office. This mode could be proven extremely useful specially in the rainy and winter seasons.
The unit is extremely quiet, which is perfect if you live in a small apartment or work in an office space that requires silence. It will not disrupt your sleep at night or interfere with any meetings taking place during the day.
The unit includes a timer function that allows you to program it for up to 24 hours of operation. This is perfect if you want to leave the unit running overnight and don’t want to worry about overworking it by constantly having to turn it on and off. It also restarts automatically with the latest configurations after any power shortage.
With a digital display, you can easily access all of its features and settings. This makes it easy for anyone in your home and office to use without any prior knowledge of dehumidifiers or air conditioners.
The Prime-Guard Fin is a special, ultra-resistant anti-corrosion and oxidation fin that prevents bacteria growth for long-lasting usage. The fins are made from a unique material that is resistant to corrosion, mold, and mildew. This means you don’t have to worry about cleaning or replacing them after just a few uses.
The washable double filters are easy to clean and maintain. You can simply rinse them off with water or wipe them down with a damp cloth to remove any dust or dirt. The filters also have a special coating that prevents bacteria growth and eliminates viruses, allergens, pollen, and bad odors.So, you don’t have to worry about cleaning them or replacing them after just a few uses.
These are just a few notable benefits of the Midea floor standing AC. If you are looking for the most convenient way of cooling and heating for a large space the the Midea floor standing AC is the right choice for you. Midea offers a variety of AC catered towards your specific needs. Be sure to check them out.
Do we require AC in the winter?
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
The sudden shift in the temperature due to natural season change can be quite harsh and take much of our time to adapt to. This is why it is important to have a reliable air conditioner that can keep your home at the right temperature during these changes.
We might have an idea that air conditioners are essential for surviving the harsh summer heat, but not many of us realize that these appliances can actually be useful in winter too. Air conditioning systems are not only used for cooling but also for heating purposes.
In Nepal, during the fall the day gets quite hot while in the evening temperature comes down sharply. This sudden change in temperature makes it difficult for us to adjust and we have to spend more time indoors. So, if you are living in a place where the weather is unpredictable, then investing in an air conditioner can be one of the best decisions you make. And you don't need to spend extra money buying a heater and can use your air conditioner for heating purposes.
While wearing layers of cloth outdoors can be acceptable, wearing those very layers of clothing can be quite uncomfortable indoors. Indoors we would like to take off our coats and be in our comfort and relax. Whether it's our home or office, sitting at our most comfortable is sure to elongate and increase our productivity.
The world’s No. 1 HVAC company Midea consists of many types of AC like Breezeless, Xtreme series. The Midea AC comes with a wide range of benefits with state of the art heating functions to keep your home warm and comfortable in winters.
Midea AC offers a wide range of models and sizes with different features, so you can choose one that suits your needs and preferences. The Midea air conditioners are designed for both cooling and heating your home and office effectively.
It is an energy-efficient unit that reduces your electricity bill by up to 50%. They have a high energy efficiency ratio of 10.5 SEER and 13.5 EER, which means they consume less energy than normal air conditioners to produce the same amount of cooling power.
They contain an ionizer that eliminates odors from the air and cuts down on dust particles in your home or office environment.
Midea ACs come with a digital remote control that allows you to adjust temperature settings, fan speeds, and more without getting up from your seat!
The Midea air conditioners are designed to be compact and space-efficient, which means they can fit into any corner of your home and office without taking up too much room. This is a great feature if you have limited space but still want to enjoy the benefits of AC.
Quiet Operation: Because they are so quiet, you will barely notice when they are running!
The Midea air conditioners are designed to be safe for children and pets. They also have an automatic shut-off function that will turn off the AC if it gets too hot or cools down below a certain temperature.
And finally, the Midea air conditioners are great for keeping your home warm in the winter. You can use it to heat your room without having to turn on the heater or fireplace!
Breezeless for the Children, Pregnant Women and Elderly People at your Home
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
As people grow through different stages of their lives, each milestone marks the beginning of a new era where their needs, wants and priorities change accordingly. From cradle to grave, each life phase comes with its own opportunities and obstacles, however, out of all the groups of people, there are a few stages of life that people go through, where their weaknesses definitely subjugate their strengths. Yes, we’re talking about the vulnerable group- newborns, small children, pregnant ladies and the elderly who are more susceptible to risk factors than other people because of the rapid changes in the temperature.
Children and Elderly are very sensitive to their surrounding, especially temperature, because they aren’t able to regulate their body temperature as easily compared to adults. Therefore, to avoid extreme temperatures, they need just the right level of cool temperature in summer and warm temperature in winter. Babies are even more prone to overheating causing them to be susceptible to heat-related illnesses like dehydration, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. While eldery people are more vulnerable to hypothermia since their ability to regulate body temperature is compromised due to the natural ageing process. Likewise, Pregnancy is a period that is very crucial for both the mother and baby. Extreme temperatures can cause the mother to go into early labor, cause severe fetal complications like brain damage, liver failure and even death if not treated quickly.
Midea’s Breezeless AC is one of the best products for people who want to enjoy fresh air in their homes. It has a lot of features that are particularly helpful for children and pregnant women and elderly people with its technology and wide range of features, especially catered towards the vulnerable people.
Breezeless Technology
The Breezeless technology has the softest and most seamless airflow around the room through its unique 7S technology consisting of Speed, Soft, Surround, etc. You can control the softness and seamless airflow of the AC in three degrees of breezeless feature: Breeze away, Mild breeze, and Breezeless.
- 7928 miniholes located inside the deflectors of the AC allow for elimination of direct wind to disperse the most gentle breeze, designed keeping in mind the needs of the delicate. This allows you to regulate the temperature of your room in an unnoticeable way for you to experience comfort like never before.
2 Side Outlets or “S” shaped wing located in the left and right sides of the AC work together to circulate the breeze from ac in an even and efficient manner in comparison to a traditional AC. This feature ensures that the temperature inside the space remains consistent, no matter how far away or near a person is located from the periphery of where the AC operates.
Dual filtration helps to reduce the impact of long term exposure to the polluted air in major cities like Kathmandu, consisting of staggering high dust and smoke index which can be very detrimental to health, especially for the vulnerable and delicate age groups with weak immune systems. The dual filtration system in Midea’s AC, firstly filters out large particles like dust, dog hair and pollen, followed up by the micro filter that absorbs minute particles like smoke and mites.
Twin Flap with Mini-holes is World’s 1st ever new feature in AC that can evolutionarily deflect, bent, and even spoil the airflow to be able to soften the harsh airflow, providing multiple levels of softness as you want without a noticeable breeze.
Smart Wi-Fi Feature lets you control your air-conditioner from anywhere, anytime. You can enjoy instant comfort when you arrive home. When you have elders or children at home, you can help them to control the air-conditioner, to make them more comfortable. Even when you travel a long distance, the ac is till under your control. Also you can log in to the Midea air app via Facebook or Twitter, it is very convenient and will protect your private information strictly.
Midea App lets you enjoy different air conditioner and dehumidifier functions to control your air conditioner at your fingertips in your smartphone. It also has special functions like schedules, customised sleep curves, self diagnosis - check function for the key elements of the AC and express run. It also works perfectly well with voice control tools like Amazon Alexa and Google Home. All this features makes it easy for you to operate the AC even without a remote seamlessly.
Breezeless AC is the perfect AC for you and your delicate ones. Its the new generation of AC with all new technology. It gives you the ultimate comfort and seamless experience.
Common AC problems and how to troubleshoot them
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
AC problems can be frustrating, but with a little knowledge and troubleshooting, you can often fix them yourself. Some common AC problems include inadequate cooling, poor air flow, and strange noises. To troubleshoot these problems, follow these steps:
Check the air filter: The first step in troubleshooting AC problems is to check the air filter. A dirty or clogged air filter can restrict air flow, leading to poor cooling/heating and increased energy usage. To check the air filter, locate the filter cover on your AC unit and remove the filter. If the filter is dirty or clogged, clean or replace it with a new one.
Check the thermostat settings: Another common cause of AC problems is incorrect thermostat settings. To ensure that your AC is operating properly, make sure the thermostat is set to the correct mode (cooling or heating), temperature, and fan speed. If the thermostat settings are incorrect, the AC may not operate properly, leading to inadequate cooling or other problems.
Check for obstructions: Obstructions in the air flow, such as furniture or curtains blocking the vents, can also cause AC problems. To ensure that your AC is operating properly, make sure that there are no obstructions blocking the air flow from the vents.
Check for leaks: Leaks in the AC system, such as leaks in the ductwork or at the AC unit, can cause AC problems. To check for leaks, look for any visible signs of leaks, such as water or moisture around the AC unit or ducts. If you suspect a leak, it is best to call a professional AC technician for assistance.
Listen for strange noises: Strange noises, such as squealing, grinding, or rattling, can indicate a problem with your AC unit. To troubleshoot these noises, first turn off the AC unit and listen for the source of the noise. If the noise persists, it may be a sign of a more serious problem and it is best to call a professional AC technician for assistance.
If you are unable to troubleshoot the problem on your own, or if the problem persists, it is best to call a professional AC technician for assistance. A professional AC technician can diagnose the problem and provide the necessary repairs to get your AC unit running properly again. To schedule an Air Conditioning Check-up, you can email us at or call us on 9801041111.
The unique features of Midea Breezeless AC and how they improve home comfort
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
The Midea Breezeless AC is a unique and innovative air conditioning solution that offers several unique features and benefits over traditional AC units. Some of the unique features of the Midea Breezeless AC and how they improve home comfort include:
Sleek and discreet design: The Midea Breezeless AC is designed to be sleek and discreet, making it easy to integrate into any room without disrupting the aesthetic of your home. This is in contrast to traditional window AC units, which can be bulky and unsightly.
Advanced air purification system: The Midea Breezeless AC uses an advanced air purification system to remove pollutants and contaminants from the air, providing clean and healthy air for your home. This can help alleviate allergy symptoms and improve overall air quality in your home.
Energy-efficient technology: The Midea Breezeless AC is more energy-efficient than traditional AC units, using advanced technology to save energy and reduce your energy bills. The Midea Breezeless AC features a variable speed compressor, which adjusts the cooling power according to the needs of your home. This allows the Midea Breezeless AC to operate at peak efficiency, using the minimum amount of energy necessary to keep your home cool and comfortable.
Easy installation and maintenance: The Midea Breezeless AC is designed to be easy to install and maintain, making it a convenient and hassle-free option for cooling your home. The Midea Breezeless AC is a ductless unit, which means it does not require any major installation or modifications to your home. Additionally, the Midea Breezeless AC is easy to clean and maintain, with a washable air filter that can be easily accessed and replaced.
Versatility: The Midea Breezeless AC is a versatile air conditioning option that can be used in a variety of room sizes and layouts. The Midea Breezeless AC is a ductless unit, which means it can be installed in any room without the need for ductwork. This makes it a great option for rooms that do not have access to traditional ducted AC systems, such as additions, sunrooms, or attic spaces.
Smart Features: Smart Wi-Fi feature and Midea App lets you enjoy different air conditioner and dehumidifier functions to control your air conditioner at your fingertips in your smartphone. It also has special functions like schedules, customised sleep curves, self diagnosis - check function for the key elements of the AC and express run. It also works perfectly well with voice control tools like Amazon Alexa and Google Home. All this features makes it easy for you to operate the AC even without a remote seamlessly.
Overall, the unique features of the Midea Breezeless AC make it an excellent option for improving the comfort and air quality in your home. The Midea Breezeless AC is sleek, discreet, energy-efficient, easy to use, and versatile, making it a convenient and effective way to keep your home cool and comfortable all year round.
Midea Summer Offers - Midea को बहार गर्मीमा सबैलाई उपहार!
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Summer is just around the corner, and Midea has an exciting offer that you won't want to miss! From now until the end of summer, customers who purchase one of Midea's air conditioning units will enjoy a variety of benefits that will keep them cool, comfortable and potentially winning some great prizes!
Here's what you can look forward to with Midea's offer:
Chance to win a discount of up to 40,000 rupees without even making a purchase*: Yes, you read that right! You don't have to make a purchase to be eligible for this discount. All you need to do is visit and fill out a simple form for a chance to win a discount of up to 40,000 rupees.
Stand a chance to win a Smart Watch every week*: As if the discount wasn't enough, Midea is also giving away Smart Watches every week to one lucky customer who purchases their air conditioning units.
One lucky winner every month gets a chance to win a FREE air conditioning unit*: That's right! One lucky customer who purchases a Midea air conditioning unit every month will get a chance to win a free air conditioning unit.
Additional discount of 3,000 rupees*: On top of all these amazing offers, Midea is also giving an additional discount of 3,000 rupees to customers who purchase their air conditioning units.
So, not only will you get to enjoy the benefits of a high-quality air conditioning unit that will keep you cool and comfortable all summer long, but you'll also have the chance to win some fantastic prizes! And with the additional discount of 3,000 rupees, you'll be saving money too!
Don't miss out on this opportunity to stay cool, win prizes, and save money with Midea this summer! Watch this tutorial video to learn more:
And don’t forget to fill out this form:
*T&C Apply
Introducing the new Midea GenCube Dehumidifier: Your Ultimate Solution for a Healthier and More Comfortable Home
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
If you're looking for a way to improve the health and comfort of your home, you might want to consider the Midea GenCube Dehumidifier. This innovative new product is designed to help you create a more balanced indoor environment, by removing excess moisture from the air and reducing the risk of mold and mildew growth.
One of the key benefits of the Midea GenCube Dehumidifier is its advanced HumidLive function, which allows you to monitor your dehumidifier's status in real-time, no matter where you are. With real-time updates on the water level and humidity level of your space, as well as full-water notifications, you can enjoy unmatched convenience and peace of mind.
But that's not all - the Midea GenCube Dehumidifier is also incredibly adaptable to your needs. With its expanded form, it offers a 3× water tank volume, guaranteeing up to 36 hours of continuous operation without the chores of emptying the water. And when you don't need that extra capacity, it can be hidden away in its ½ the body size, compared to a conventional dehumidifier.
Not only will the Midea GenCube Dehumidifier help create a more comfortable environment in your home, but it can also have a positive impact on your health. By removing excess moisture, it can reduce the risk of mold and mildew growth, which can trigger allergies and respiratory issues. It can also help to reduce dust mites, which are another common allergen.
Overall, the Midea GenCube Dehumidifier is a must-have for anyone who wants to improve the quality of their indoor air and create a more comfortable living space. With its advanced features, adaptability, and performance, it's sure to be a game-changer in the world of home dehumidifiers. So why not give it a try and transform your home today?
Maximizing Comfort and Efficiency in Your Office: Choosing the Right AC
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Choosing the right air conditioner (AC) for your office can be a complex task. However, following a few simple steps can help you make an informed decision:
- Determine your cooling needs: The size of your office, number of people, and local climate will impact the cooling needs of your office. You should choose an AC that is appropriately sized for your office to ensure efficient and effective cooling.
- Evaluate energy efficiency: Look for an AC with a high Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) rating. This will help you save money on energy costs and reduce your environmental impact.
- Consider the type of AC: There are several types of air conditioners, including window units, central air, and portable air conditioners. Consider your specific needs and budget to determine the best option for your office.
- Look for features: Features like programmable thermostats, air purifiers, and dehumidifiers can enhance the overall performance of your AC and improve indoor air quality.
- Consider the noise level: Choose an AC that operates quietly, especially if your office is located in a shared space.
- Maintenance and support: Look for an AC that comes with good maintenance and support options, such as extended warranties, to ensure that you receive prompt and effective assistance if needed.
- Budget: Finally, consider your budget when choosing an AC for your office. Shop around to find the best value for your money and remember to factor in energy costs and maintenance over the life of the unit.
Summer Dos and Don’ts for your AC
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Here are some dos and don'ts to keep in mind for your air conditioning system during the summer:
Do schedule regular maintenance: Arrange for professional maintenance before the summer season begins to ensure your AC is in optimal condition.
Do change the air filters: Clean or replace your air filters regularly, typically every 1-3 months, to maintain proper airflow and efficiency.
Do keep the thermostat at a moderate temperature: Set your thermostat to a comfortable temperature (around 78°F or 25°C) to balance cooling effectiveness and energy efficiency.
Do keep windows and doors closed: Close windows and doors while your AC is running to prevent hot air from entering and cool air from escaping.
Do use blinds or curtains: Use blinds or curtains to block out sunlight during the hottest parts of the day to reduce heat gain and alleviate the burden on your AC.
Do consider a programmable thermostat: Install a programmable or smart thermostat to optimise cooling schedules and adjust temperatures when you're away from home.
Don't set the temperature too low: Avoid setting your thermostat to extremely low temperatures as it can strain your AC system and lead to excessive energy consumption.
Don't block airflow: Ensure that furniture, curtains, or other objects are not obstructing the airflow from your AC vents to maintain proper circulation.
Don't ignore strange noises or odours: If you notice unusual sounds or unpleasant odours coming from your AC unit, it's important to address them promptly by contacting a professional technician.
Don't neglect insulation: Insulate your home properly to prevent cool air from escaping and hot air from infiltrating, helping your AC system operate more efficiently.
Don't neglect the outdoor unit: Keep the outdoor unit of your AC clean and free from debris, such as leaves or grass clippings, to allow for proper airflow and heat dissipation.
Don't overload electrical circuits: Avoid plugging multiple high-energy devices into the same circuit as your AC unit to prevent overloading and potential electrical issues.
Don't skip professional maintenance: Regular professional maintenance is crucial for the optimal performance and longevity of your AC system, so don't neglect it.
Following these dos and don'ts will help ensure that your air conditioning system operates efficiently and effectively throughout the summer season.
The Midea GenCube Dehumidifier vs. Other Top Dehumidifiers on the Market: A Comparison
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
When comparing the Midea GenCube Dehumidifier with other top dehumidifiers on the market, several factors come into play. Here's a comparison to help you understand the unique features and advantages of the Midea GenCube:
- Capacity and Coverage Area:
Midea GenCube: The capacity of the GenCube dehumidifier varies based on the specific model, but it typically ranges from 30 to 70 pints per day. It can effectively cover medium to large-sized rooms, basements, or living spaces.
Other top dehumidifiers: Compare the capacity and coverage area of other leading dehumidifiers to determine if they can adequately address the moisture levels in your intended space.
- Energy Efficiency:
Midea GenCube: The GenCube dehumidifier is Energy Star certified, indicating its energy efficiency and potential cost savings over time.
Other dehumidifiers: Check the energy efficiency ratings (usually indicated by the Energy Star label) of competing models to gauge their energy-saving capabilities.
- Intelligent Features:
Midea GenCube: The GenCube features intelligent features like smart humidity control, auto restart after power outage, and a digital display with intuitive controls for easy operation.
Other dehumidifiers: Compare the available features of other dehumidifiers, such as built-in humidistats, timers, or Wi-Fi connectivity for remote control.
- Noise Level:
Midea GenCube: The GenCube incorporates a low-noise design, ensuring quiet operation that won't disturb your daily activities or sleep.
Other dehumidifiers: Look for noise level specifications of other dehumidifiers to ensure they operate at acceptable noise levels for your preferences.
- Compact and Portable Design:
Midea GenCube: The GenCube dehumidifier is designed to be compact and portable, making it easy to move around as needed. Its sleek design allows it to blend seamlessly into any room.
Other top dehumidifiers: Consider the size and portability features of other dehumidifiers to ensure they suit your specific needs, especially if you plan to move the unit between different areas of your home.
- Filter and Maintenance:
Midea GenCube: The GenCube incorporates a washable and reusable filter, reducing the need for frequent replacements and making maintenance easier.
Other dehumidifiers: Compare the filter type and maintenance requirements of other models to determine their ease of use and cost-effectiveness.
- Price and Warranty:
Compare the prices of the Midea GenCube dehumidifier and other top dehumidifiers in the market, taking into account their features, performance, and warranty terms. Consider the long-term value and reliability of the unit.
Ultimately, the choice between the Midea GenCube Dehumidifier and other top dehumidifiers depends on your specific needs, budget, and preferences. Carefully consider the features, performance, and reviews of different models to make an informed decision that aligns with your requirements for moisture control and home comfort.
Introduction to Midea Portable Air Conditioners
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Midea portable air conditioners are versatile cooling units that offer an efficient and convenient solution for cooling specific areas or rooms. Midea, a trusted name in the HVAC industry, has a range of portable air conditioners known for their performance, reliability, and user-friendly features. Whether you live in a small apartment, need supplemental cooling for a specific space, or prefer a flexible cooling option, Midea portable air conditioners can be an excellent choice.
These portable air conditioners are designed to provide effective cooling while offering the flexibility to move them between different rooms or areas as needed. They eliminate the need for extensive installation or permanent modifications to your living space, making them an ideal solution for renters or those who prefer a more temporary cooling option.
Midea portable air conditioners come in various models and sizes to cater to different cooling needs. They are equipped with advanced features such as programmable timers, remote controls, and smart functionalities, allowing you to customize and control your cooling experience. Additionally, many models include air filtration and purification features to help improve indoor air quality by removing dust, allergens, and other pollutants.
Key Features of Midea Portable Air Conditioner at Air Experts include:
Cooling Capacity 3.55 kw
Heating Capacity 2.95 kw
R290 Refrigerant
Indoor Airflow (Hi) 420 m³/h
Eco Design – Intelligent on-off technology enables Midea products to automatically enter energy-saving mode when on standby mode
Single Slinger up wheel – Automatically recycle condensate water from evaporator to condenser, no need of the water bucket.
Follow Me – Keep you in comfortable environment at any moment
Timer (24hr)
Sleep Mode
Self-diagnosis and Auto-protection
3 Fan Speeds
Noise Rating (Min) 54 dba
Application Area 16-23 m²
How to Choose the Right Dehumidifier for Your Home: A Comprehensive Guide
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Excess humidity in the home can lead to a range of issues, including mold growth, musty odors, and discomfort. A dehumidifier can help combat these problems by removing excess moisture from the air. However, with numerous options available in the market, choosing the right dehumidifier for your home can be a daunting task. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the key factors to consider when selecting a dehumidifier, helping you make an informed decision that suits your specific needs and ensures optimal performance.
Assessing Your Needs:
Understanding the specific humidity issues in your home.
Determining the size of the space you want to dehumidify.
Identifying the desired moisture removal capacity (pints per day) for effective results.
Types of Dehumidifiers:
Exploring different types of dehumidifiers: refrigerative (compressor-based), desiccant, and hybrid models.
Understanding their working principles, advantages, and limitations.
Capacity and Coverage Area:
Matching the dehumidifier's capacity (measured in pints per day) to your specific requirements.
Considering the coverage area and ensuring it is appropriate for the space you intend to dehumidify.
Humidity Control and Settings:
Examining the control options, including manual and digital humidistats.
Understanding adjustable humidity settings, timers, and programmable features for customized operation.
Energy Efficiency:
Evaluating the energy efficiency ratings (AHAM and Energy Star certifications) to ensure cost-effective operation.
Considering additional features like auto-shutoff and defrost cycles for energy savings.
Noise Level:
Checking the noise level specifications for quiet operation, especially in areas where noise is a concern (bedrooms, living rooms, etc.).
Drainage Options:
Exploring drainage options, including manual emptying, gravity drains, and continuous drainage with built-in pumps.
Considering the convenience and practicality of each option based on your setup and preferences.
Filtration and Air Quality:
Assessing the air filtration system, including the presence of washable or replaceable filters.
Considering additional features like activated carbon filters or UV germicidal lights for improved air quality.
Portability and Design:
Evaluating the size, weight, and mobility features of the dehumidifier.
Assessing the design and aesthetics to ensure it fits well with your home decor.
Maintenance and Warranty:
Understanding the recommended maintenance tasks for optimal performance and longevity.
Checking the warranty coverage and terms provided by the manufacturer.
By considering factors such as capacity, coverage area, humidity control, energy efficiency, drainage options, and maintenance requirements, you can choose the right dehumidifier that effectively addresses excess moisture in your home. This comprehensive guide provides the necessary information to make an informed decision, ensuring a comfortable and healthy indoor environment for you and your family.
What Can You Do With Midea AC’s Smart Features?
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Midea air conditioners come equipped with smart features that enhance convenience, comfort, and energy efficiency. Here are some of the things you can do with Midea AC's smart features:
Remote Control via Mobile App:
Control your Midea AC from anywhere using a mobile app. You can adjust temperature settings, fan speed, and mode remotely, providing flexibility and convenience.
Voice Control Integration:
Midea ACs are compatible with voice control platforms such as Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant. You can use voice commands to adjust temperature, change settings, or turn the AC on/off without needing to physically interact with the unit.
Intelligent Scheduling and Timer:
Set customized schedules for your Midea AC to automatically turn on or off at specific times. This feature allows you to pre-cool your home before you arrive or save energy by automatically adjusting the temperature during certain hours.
Integration with Smart Home Systems:
Midea ACs can integrate with popular smart home systems, allowing you to control your AC alongside other smart devices in your home. This integration enables synchronized operations and enhances overall home automation.
Error Code Diagnosis:
In the event of a malfunction or error, Midea ACs with smart features can provide error code diagnosis through the app. This information can help you troubleshoot issues or communicate with customer support for assistance.
Midea AC's smart features provide enhanced control, energy efficiency, and convenience. By utilizing these features, you can optimize your cooling or heating experience, save energy, and create a more comfortable environment in your home.
AC Price in Birgunj
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Birgunj's hot climate during summer and equally chilling climate during the winter in Nepal demands a reliable air conditioner to keep you cool and comfortable. When it comes to top-quality ACs, Midea and Mitsubishi stands out as a trusted brands that offer efficient cooling solutions tailored to your needs. In this guide, we will explore the best ACs available in Birgunj with their prices, helping you make an informed decision for a refreshing summer.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a AC:
Before diving into the specific models’s prices, it's essential to consider certain factors that will help you choose the perfect AC for Birgunj's climate:
Room Size: Evaluate the size of the room where the AC will be installed. Get ACs that offer ACs suitable for various room sizes, ensuring optimal cooling performance.
Energy Efficiency: Check the energy efficiency ratings of the AC models. Higher ratings indicate lower energy consumption, which can lead to cost savings on your electricity bills.
Cooling Capacity: Consider the cooling capacity of the AC to ensure it can effectively cool your room size. Modern AC’s offers a range of cooling capacities to suit different needs.
Noise Levels: Look for AC models that operate quietly, especially if you prefer a peaceful environment. ACs from most of today’s companies are designed to provide comfortable cooling without excessive noise.
Special Features: Determine if you have any specific requirements or preferences for special features such as smart controls, air purification systems, or sleep modes. These days AC’s offers a variety of options to cater to different needs.
As, for the available options of AC’s in Birgunj there are Midea, Mitsubishi Heavy, Mitsubishi Electric which are quite well known in Birgunj. Now, let's explore some of the best AC models and their prices that are well-suited for Birgunj's hot climate:
Wall Mounted Non-Inverter Type:
The Wall Mounted Non-Inverter ACs from Midea's Xtreme Series offer reliable cooling solutions at various capacities. From the compact 0.75 Ton option to the powerful 2.0 Ton unit, these ACs are designed to efficiently cool your room while providing comfort at an affordable price.Wall Mounted Non-Inverter AC
Official Price
Offer Price
Wall Mounted Inverter Type:
Experience unparalleled cooling comfort with the Wall Mounted Inverter ACs. Midea's Breezeless 1.0 Ton INVERTER and Xtreme Series models, ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 tons, offer energy-efficient operation and smart features for precise temperature control. Mitsubishi Heavy Duty also presents 0.75 to 2.25 Ton Wall Mounted Inverter ACs.
Wall Mounted Inverter Type
Official Price
Offer Price
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 0.75 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.0 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.4 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.65 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 2.25 Ton Inverter | Air Experts
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 1.0 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 1.6 Ton Inverter | Air Experts
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 2.0 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 2.25 Ton Inverter | Air Experts
Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter Type:
Midea's Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter ACs come in various capacities, including 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 Tons. These ACs ensure widespread cooling with their four-way airflow and are ideal for larger spaces.
Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter | Official Price | Offer Price |
98000.00 | 88200.00 | |
112000.00 | 100800.00 | |
148000.00 | 133200.00 | |
225000.00 | 202500.00 | |
250000.00 | 225000.00 |
Ceiling Cassette Inverter Type:
For precise temperature control and energy efficiency, consider Midea's Ceiling Cassette Inverter ACs. Available in 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 4.0 Tons, these ACs offer optimal cooling performance while blending seamlessly into the room's ceiling. Mitsubishi Heavy Duty also offers Inverter variants in capacities from 1.0 to 4.0 Tons.
Ceiling Cassette Inverter | Official Price | Offer Price |
132000.00 | 118800.00 | |
162000.00 | 145800.00 | |
180000.00 | 162800.00 | |
295000.00 | 265500.00 | |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 1.0 Ton Inverter | 185000.00 | 166500.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 1.65 Ton Inverter | 210000.00 | 189000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 2.0 Ton Inverter | 230000.00 | 207000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 2.25 Ton Inverter | 250000.00 | 225000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 4.0 Ton Inverter | 410000.00 | 369000.00 |
If you require flexibility in AC placement, the Floor Standing models are a great choice. These units can be easily installed on the floor and offer powerful cooling performance while occupying minimal space. Available in Inverter and non-inverter options, with capacities of 2.0 and 4.0 Tons.
Midea Floor Standing | Official Price | Offer Price |
205000.00 | 184500.00 | |
180000.00 | 162000.00 | |
260000.00 | 234000.00 |
6.Midea Portable AC:
Perfect for those who need a portable cooling solution, Midea Portable ACs provide convenience and versatility. These units can be moved between rooms, ensuring cool comfort wherever you go.
Portable AC | Official Price | Offer Price |
80000.00 | 72000.00 |
Choosing the right air conditioner is crucial for staying cool and comfortable in Birgunj's hot climate. Midea ACs are renowned for their reliability, efficiency, and innovative features. In addition to Midea ACs, Mitsubishi Heavy Duty and Mitsubishi Electric are two other reputable brands to consider for staying cool and comfortable in Birgunj's hot climate.
Whether you choose Midea, Mitsubishi Heavy Duty, or Mitsubishi Electric, each brand offers a range of AC models with unique features and benefits. Consider factors such as room size, energy efficiency, cooling capacity, noise levels, and special features to select the perfect AC that meets your specific requirements. Enjoy a refreshing and comfortable environment throughout the summer with a high-quality AC from one of these trusted brands.
Prepare yourself to beat the summer heat or stay cozy during winter by getting your AC from one of the following authorized dealers in Birgunj. If you have any questions or are ready to make a purchase, don't hesitate to reach out to them and get consultations to choose the perfect unit for your needs. You can have your AC installed within 24 hours, and they even offer free delivery for your convenience.
Company Name | Contact Person | Phone Number | Address |
Ganapati Enterprises | Satyendra Sah | 9845383720 | Adarsh Nagar |
Birgunj TV House | Alok Agrawal | 9855020431 | Adarsh Nagar |
Don't miss this opportunity to stay comfortable all year round – contact them today!
AC Price in Bhairahawa
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
The scorching hot climate of Bhairahawa is unforgiving during the summer and equally punishing during the winter as well. So, a need for a reliable air conditioner is a must to keep you cool and comfortable. And when it comes to top-quality ACs, Midea and Mitsubishi stand out as trusted brands that offer efficient cooling solutions tailored to your needs. In this guide, we will explore the best ACs available in Bhairahawa with their prices, helping you make an informed decision for a refreshing summer and a warm winter.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a AC:
Before diving into the specific models’s prices, it's essential to consider certain factors that will help you choose the perfect AC for Bhairahawa's climate:
Room Size: Evaluate the size of the room where the AC will be installed. Get ACs that offer ACs suitable for various room sizes, ensuring optimal cooling performance.
Energy Efficiency: Check the energy efficiency ratings of the AC models. Higher ratings indicate lower energy consumption, which can lead to cost savings on your electricity bills.
Cooling Capacity: Consider the cooling capacity of the AC to ensure it can effectively cool your room size. Modern AC’s offers a range of cooling capacities to suit different needs.
Noise Levels: Look for AC models that operate quietly, especially if you prefer a peaceful environment. ACs from most of today’s companies are designed to provide comfortable cooling without excessive noise.
Special Features: Determine if you have any specific requirements or preferences for special features such as smart controls, air purification systems, or sleep modes. These days AC’s offers a variety of options to cater to different needs.
As, for the available options of AC’s in Bhairahawa, there are Midea, Mitsubishi Heavy, Mitsubishi Electric, which are quite well known in Bhairahawa. Now, let's explore some of the best AC models and their prices that are well-suited for Bhairahawa's hot climate:
Wall Mounted Non-Inverter Type:
The Wall Mounted Non-Inverter ACs from Midea's Xtreme Series offer reliable cooling solutions at various capacities. From the compact 0.75 Ton option to the powerful 2.0 Ton unit, these ACs are designed to efficiently cool your room while providing comfort at an affordable price.Wall Mounted Non-Inverter AC
Official Price
Offer Price
Wall Mounted Inverter Type:
Experience unparalleled cooling comfort with the Wall Mounted Inverter ACs. Midea's Breezeless 1.0 Ton INVERTER and Xtreme Series models, ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 tons, offer energy-efficient operation and smart features for precise temperature control. Mitsubishi Heavy Duty also presents 0.75 to 2.25 Ton Wall Mounted Inverter ACs.
Wall Mounted Inverter Type
Official Price
Offer Price
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 0.75 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.0 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.4 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.65 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 2.25 Ton Inverter | Air Experts
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 1.0 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 1.6 Ton Inverter | Air Experts
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 2.0 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 2.25 Ton Inverter | Air Experts
Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter Type:
Midea's Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter ACs come in various capacities, including 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 Tons. These ACs ensure widespread cooling with their four-way airflow and are ideal for larger spaces.
Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter | Official Price | Offer Price |
98000.00 | 88200.00 | |
112000.00 | 100800.00 | |
148000.00 | 133200.00 | |
225000.00 | 202500.00 | |
250000.00 | 225000.00 |
Ceiling Cassette Inverter Type:
For precise temperature control and energy efficiency, consider Midea's Ceiling Cassette Inverter ACs. Available in 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 4.0 Tons, these ACs offer optimal cooling performance while blending seamlessly into the room's ceiling. Mitsubishi Heavy Duty also offers Inverter variants in capacities from 1.0 to 4.0 Tons.
Ceiling Cassette Inverter | Official Price | Offer Price |
132000.00 | 118800.00 | |
162000.00 | 145800.00 | |
180000.00 | 162800.00 | |
295000.00 | 265500.00 | |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 1.0 Ton Inverter | 185000.00 | 166500.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 1.65 Ton Inverter | 210000.00 | 189000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 2.0 Ton Inverter | 230000.00 | 207000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 2.25 Ton Inverter | 250000.00 | 225000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 4.0 Ton Inverter | 410000.00 | 369000.00 |
Midea Floor Standing:
If you require flexibility in AC placement, the Floor Standing models are a great choice. These units can be easily installed on the floor and offer powerful cooling performance while occupying minimal space. Available in Inverter and non-inverter options, with capacities of 2.0 and 4.0 Tons.
Midea Floor Standing | Official Price | Offer Price |
205000.00 | 184500.00 | |
180000.00 | 162000.00 | |
260000.00 | 234000.00 |
Midea Portable AC:
Perfect for those who need a portable cooling solution, Midea Portable ACs provide convenience and versatility. These units can be moved between rooms, ensuring cool comfort wherever you go.
Portable AC | Official Price | Offer Price |
80000.00 | 72000.00 |
It is a crucial step in choosing the right air conditioner for staying cool and comfortable in Bhairahawa's hot climate. Midea ACs are renowned for their reliability, efficiency, and innovative features. In addition to Midea ACs, Mitsubishi Heavy Duty and Mitsubishi Electric are two other reputable brands to consider for staying cool and comfortable in Birgunj's hot climate.
Whether you choose Midea, Mitsubishi Heavy Duty, or Mitsubishi Electric, each brand offers a range of AC models with unique features and benefits. Consider factors such as room size, energy efficiency, cooling capacity, noise levels, and special features to select the perfect AC that meets your specific requirements. Enjoy a refreshing and comfortable environment throughout the summer with a high-quality AC from one of these trusted brands.
Prepare yourself to beat the summer heat or stay cozy during winter by getting your AC from one of the following authorized dealers in Birgunj. If you have any questions or are ready to make a purchase, don't hesitate to reach out to them and get consultations to choose the perfect unit for your needs. You can have your AC installed within 24 hours, and they even offer free delivery for your convenience.
Company Name | Contact Person | Phone Number | Address |
New Siddharth Refrigeration | Prem Sharma | 9857020198 | Mills Area |
Prem Padma Traders | Kamal Gurung | 9867898299 | Narayanpath-7, Bhairahawa |
Don't miss this opportunity to stay comfortable all year round – contact them today!
AC Price in Butwal
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Nothing is as excruciating as the summer heat of Butwal, where the summer heat reaches up to 35 degrees Celsius, and during the winter months the temperature dips to a chilling 12 degrees Celsius. So, it’s a definite must to have a reliable air conditioner installed to keep you cool, comfortable, and warm throughout the year. And when it comes to top-quality ACs, Midea and Mitsubishi stand out as trusted brands that offer efficient cooling solutions tailored to your needs. In this guide, we will explore the best ACs available in Butwal and their prices, helping you make an informed decision for a refreshing summer and a warm winter.
Factors to Consider When Choosing an AC:
Before diving into the specific models’s prices, it's essential to consider certain factors that will help you choose the perfect AC for Butwal's climate:
Room Size: Evaluate the size of the room where the AC will be installed. Get ACs that offer ACs suitable for various room sizes, ensuring optimal cooling performance.
Energy Efficiency: Check the energy efficiency ratings of the AC models. Higher ratings indicate lower energy consumption, which can lead to cost savings on your electricity bills.
Cooling Capacity: Consider the cooling capacity of the AC to ensure it can effectively cool your room size. Modern AC’s offers a range of cooling capacities to suit different needs.
Noise Levels: Look for AC models that operate quietly, especially if you prefer a peaceful environment. ACs from most of today’s companies are designed to provide comfortable cooling without excessive noise.
Special Features: Determine if you have any specific requirements or preferences for special features such as smart controls, air purification systems, or sleep modes. Thesedays, AC’soffers a variety of options to cater to different needs.
As, for the available options of AC’s in Butwal, there are Midea, Mitsubishi Heavy, and Mitsubishi Electric, which are quite well known in Bhairahawa. Now, let's explore some of the best AC models and their prices that are well-suited for Butwal's hot climate:
Wall Mounted Non-Inverter Type:
The Wall Mounted Non-Inverter ACs from Midea's Xtreme Series offer reliable cooling solutions at various capacities. From the compact 0.75 Ton option to the powerful 2.0 Ton unit, these ACs are designed to efficiently cool your room while providing comfort at an affordable price.Wall Mounted Non-Inverter AC
Official Price
Offer Price
Wall Mounted Inverter Type:
Experience unparalleled cooling comfort with the Wall Mounted Inverter ACs. Midea's Breezeless 1.0 Ton INVERTER and Xtreme Series models, ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 tons, offer energy-efficient operation and smart features for precise temperature control. Mitsubishi Heavy Duty also presents 0.75 to 2.25 Ton Wall Mounted Inverter ACs.
Wall Mounted Inverter Type
Official Price
Offer Price
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 0.75 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.0 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.4 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.65 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 2.25 Ton Inverter | Air Experts
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 1.0 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 1.6 Ton Inverter | Air Experts
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 2.0 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 2.25 Ton Inverter | Air Experts
Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter Type:
Midea's Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter ACs come in various capacities, including 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 Tons. These ACs ensure widespread cooling with their four-way airflow and are ideal for larger spaces.
Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter | Official Price | Offer Price |
98000.00 | 88200.00 | |
112000.00 | 100800.00 | |
148000.00 | 133200.00 | |
225000.00 | 202500.00 | |
250000.00 | 225000.00 |
Ceiling Cassette Inverter Type:
For precise temperature control and energy efficiency, consider Midea's Ceiling Cassette Inverter ACs. Available in 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 4.0 Tons, these ACs offer optimal cooling performance while blending seamlessly into the room's ceiling. Mitsubishi Heavy Duty also offers Inverter variants in capacities from 1.0 to 4.0 Tons.
Ceiling Cassette Inverter | Official Price | Offer Price |
132000.00 | 118800.00 | |
162000.00 | 145800.00 | |
180000.00 | 162800.00 | |
295000.00 | 265500.00 | |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 1.0 Ton Inverter | 185000.00 | 166500.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 1.65 Ton Inverter | 210000.00 | 189000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 2.0 Ton Inverter | 230000.00 | 207000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 2.25 Ton Inverter | 250000.00 | 225000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 4.0 Ton Inverter | 410000.00 | 369000.00 |
Midea Floor Standing:
If you require flexibility in AC placement, the Floor Standing models are a great choice. These units can be easily installed on the floor and offer powerful cooling performance while occupying minimal space. Available in Inverter and non-inverter options, with capacities of 2.0 and 4.0 Tons.
Midea Floor Standing | Official Price | Offer Price |
205000.00 | 184500.00 | |
180000.00 | 162000.00 | |
260000.00 | 234000.00 |
Midea Portable AC:
Perfect for those who need a portable cooling solution, Midea Portable ACs provide convenience and versatility. These units can be moved between rooms, ensuring cool comfort wherever you go.
Portable AC | Official Price | Offer Price |
80000.00 | 72000.00 |
It is a crucial step in choosing the right air conditioner for staying cool, comfortable, and warm in Butwal's hot climate in the summer and equally chilly climate in the winter. Midea ACs are renowned for their reliability, efficiency, and innovative features. In addition to Midea ACs, Mitsubishi Heavy Duty and Mitsubishi Electric are two other reputable brands to consider for staying cool and comfortable in Butwal’s hot climate.
Whether you choose Midea, Mitsubishi Heavy Duty, or Mitsubishi Electric, each brand offers a range of AC models with unique features and benefits. Consider factors such as room size, energy efficiency, cooling capacity, noise levels, and special features to select the perfect AC that meets your specific requirements. Enjoy a refreshing and comfortable environment throughout the summer with a high-quality AC from one of these trusted brands.
Prepare yourself to beat the summer heat or stay cozy during the winter by getting your AC from one of the following authorized dealers in Butwal. If you have any questions or are ready to make a purchase, don't hesitate to reach out to them and get consultations to choose the perfect unit for your needs. You can have your AC installed within 24 hours, and they even offer free delivery for your convenience.
Company Name | Contact Person | Phone Number | Address |
New Siddharth Refrigeration | Prem Sharma | 9857020198 | Mills area |
Prem Padma Traders | Suman Thapa | 9821941961 | Rajmarga Chauraha |
Don't miss this opportunity to stay comfortable all year round - contact them today!
AC Price in Kathmandu
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
In recent years, Kathmandu’s summer heat has been nothing short of excruciating. The summer heat in Kathmandu has spiked up a lot from what it used to be; now the summer heat reaches up to 31 degrees Celsius during the summer, and during the winter months the temperature dips to a chilling 0 degrees Celsius. So, it’s a definite must to have a reliable air conditioner installed to keep you cool, comfortable, and warm throughout the year. And when it comes to top-quality ACs, Midea and Mitsubishi stand out as trusted brands that offer efficient cooling solutions tailored to your needs. In this guide, we will explore the best ACs available in Kathmandu and their prices, helping you make an informed decision for a refreshing summer and a warm winter.
Factors to Consider When Choosing an AC:
Before diving into the specific models’s prices, it's essential to consider certain factors that will help you choose the perfect AC for Kathmandu's climate:
Room Size: Evaluate the size of the room where the AC will be installed. Get ACs that offer ACs suitable for various room sizes, ensuring optimal cooling performance.
Energy Efficiency: Check the energy efficiency ratings of the AC models. Higher ratings indicate lower energy consumption, which can lead to cost savings on your electricity bills.
Cooling Capacity: Consider the cooling capacity of the AC to ensure it can effectively cool your room size. Modern AC’s offers a range of cooling capacities to suit different needs.
Noise Levels: Look for AC models that operate quietly, especially if you prefer a peaceful environment. ACs from most of today’s companies are designed to provide comfortable cooling without excessive noise.
Special Features: Determine if you have any specific requirements or preferences for special features such as smart controls, air purification systems, or sleep modes. These days AC’s offers a variety of options to cater to different needs.
As, for the available options of AC’s in Kathmandu, there are Midea, Mitsubishi Heavy, and Mitsubishi Electric, which are quite well known in Kathmandu. Now, let's explore some of the best AC models and their prices that are well-suited for Kathmandu's unexpectedly hot climate:
Wall Mounted Non-Inverter Type:
The Wall Mounted Non-Inverter ACs from Midea's Xtreme Series offer reliable cooling solutions at various capacities. From the compact 0.75 Ton option to the powerful 2.0 Ton unit, these ACs are designed to efficiently cool your room while providing comfort at an affordable price.Wall Mounted Non-Inverter AC
Official Price
Offer Price
Wall Mounted Inverter Type:
Experience unparalleled cooling comfort with the Wall Mounted Inverter ACs. Midea's Breezeless 1.0 Ton INVERTER and Xtreme Series models, ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 tons, offer energy-efficient operation and smart features for precise temperature control. Mitsubishi Heavy Duty also presents 0.75 to 2.25 Ton Wall Mounted Inverter ACs.
Wall Mounted Inverter Type
Official Price
Offer Price
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 0.75 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.0 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.4 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.65 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 2.25 Ton Inverter | Air Experts
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 1.0 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 1.6 Ton Inverter | Air Experts
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 2.0 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 2.25 Ton Inverter | Air Experts
Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter Type:
Midea's Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter ACs come in various capacities, including 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 Tons. These ACs ensure widespread cooling with their four-way airflow and are ideal for larger spaces.
Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter | Official Price | Offer Price |
98000.00 | 88200.00 | |
112000.00 | 100800.00 | |
148000.00 | 133200.00 | |
225000.00 | 202500.00 | |
250000.00 | 225000.00 |
Ceiling Cassette Inverter Type:
For precise temperature control and energy efficiency, consider Midea's Ceiling Cassette Inverter ACs. Available in 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 4.0 Tons, these ACs offer optimal cooling performance while blending seamlessly into the room's ceiling. Mitsubishi Heavy Duty also offers Inverter variants in capacities from 1.0 to 4.0 Tons.
Ceiling Cassette Inverter | Official Price | Offer Price |
132000.00 | 118800.00 | |
162000.00 | 145800.00 | |
180000.00 | 162800.00 | |
295000.00 | 265500.00 | |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 1.0 Ton Inverter | 185000.00 | 166500.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 1.65 Ton Inverter | 210000.00 | 189000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 2.0 Ton Inverter | 230000.00 | 207000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 2.25 Ton Inverter | 250000.00 | 225000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 4.0 Ton Inverter | 410000.00 | 369000.00 |
Midea Floor Standing:
If you require flexibility in AC placement, the Floor Standing models are a great choice. These units can be easily installed on the floor and offer powerful cooling performance while occupying minimal space. Available in Inverter and non-inverter options, with capacities of 2.0 and 4.0 Tons.
Midea Floor Standing | Official Price | Offer Price |
205000.00 | 184500.00 | |
180000.00 | 162000.00 | |
260000.00 | 234000.00 |
Midea Portable AC:
Perfect for those who need a portable cooling solution, Midea Portable ACs provide convenience and versatility. These units can be moved between rooms, ensuring cool comfort wherever you go.
Portable AC | Official Price | Offer Price |
80000.00 | 72000.00 |
It is a crucial step in choosing the right air conditioner for staying cool, comfortable, and warm in Kathmandu's unexpectedly hot climate in the summer and equally chilly climate in the winter. Midea ACs are renowned for their reliability, efficiency, and innovative features. In addition to Midea ACs, Mitsubishi Heavy Duty and Mitsubishi Electric are two other reputable brands to consider for staying cool and comfortable in Kathmandu’s hot climate.
Whether you choose Midea, Mitsubishi Heavy Duty, or Mitsubishi Electric, each brand offers a range of AC models with unique features and benefits. Consider factors such as room size, energy efficiency, cooling capacity, noise levels, and special features to select the perfect AC that meets your specific requirements. Enjoy a refreshing and comfortable environment throughout the summer with a high-quality AC from one of these trusted brands.
Prepare yourself to beat the summer heat or stay cozy during the winter by getting your AC from one of the following authorized dealers in Kathmandu. If you have any questions or are ready to make a purchase, don't hesitate to reach out to them and get a consultation to choose the perfect unit for your needs. You can have your AC installed within 24 hours, and they even offer free delivery for your convenience.
Company Name | Contact Person | Phone Number | Address |
Air Experts Pvt. Ltd. | Pranay Sindurakar | 9801041111 | S.G. Tower, Thapathali |
S. Sahara | Rajmani Shrestha | 9801030700 | Maharajgunj |
Electro RefTech | Preeti Thakur | 9805950020 | Kupandole |
Air Climate Service | Dev N. Shrestha | 9851155176 | Budhanilkantha |
Electro Center | Prashant Poudel | 9851208020 | Bhaktapur |
Don't miss this opportunity to stay comfortable all year round - contact them today!
AC Price in Pokhara
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Pokhara’s summer heat is nothing short of excruciating. The summer heat in Pokhara has also spiked up a lot from what it used to be, and during the winter months, the temperature dips to a chilling degree. So, it’s a definite must to have a reliable air conditioner installed to keep you cool, comfortable, and warm throughout the year. And when it comes to top-quality ACs, Midea and Mitsubishi stand out as trusted brands that offer efficient cooling solutions tailored to your needs. In this guide, we will explore the best ACs available in Pokhara and their prices, helping you make an informed decision for a refreshing summer and a warm winter.
Factors to Consider When Choosing an AC:
Before diving into the specific models’s prices, it's essential to consider certain factors that will help you choose the perfect AC for Pokhara's climate:
Room Size: Evaluate the size of the room where the AC will be installed. Get ACs that offer ACs suitable for various room sizes, ensuring optimal cooling performance.
Energy Efficiency: Check the energy efficiency ratings of the AC models. Higher ratings indicate lower energy consumption, which can lead to cost savings on your electricity bills.
Cooling Capacity: Consider the cooling capacity of the AC to ensure it can effectively cool your room size. Modern AC’s offers a range of cooling capacities to suit different needs.
Noise Levels: Look for AC models that operate quietly, especially if you prefer a peaceful environment. ACs from most of today’s companies are designed to provide comfortable cooling without excessive noise.
Special Features: Determine if you have any specific requirements or preferences for special features such as smart controls, air purification systems, or sleep modes. These days AC’soffers a variety of options to cater to different needs.
As, for the available options of AC’s in Pokhara, there are Midea, Mitsubishi Heavy, and Mitsubishi Electric, which are quite well known in Pokhara. Now, let's explore some of the best AC models and their prices that are well-suited for Pokhara's unexpectedly hot climate:
Wall Mounted Non-Inverter Type:
The Wall Mounted Non-Inverter ACs from Midea's Xtreme Series offer reliable cooling solutions at various capacities. From the compact 0.75 Ton option to the powerful 2.0 Ton unit, these ACs are designed to efficiently cool your room while providing comfort at an affordable price.
Wall Mounted Non-Inverter AC | Official Price | Offer Price |
58000.00 | 52200.00 | |
60000.00 | 54000.00 | |
87000.00 | 78300.00 | |
110000.00 | 99000.00 |
Wall Mounted Inverter Type:
Experience unparalleled cooling comfort with the Wall Mounted Inverter ACs. Midea's Breezeless 1.0 Ton INVERTER and Xtreme Series models ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 Tons offer energy-efficient operation and smart features for precise temperature control. Mitsubishi Heavy Duty also presents 0.75 to 2.25 Ton Wall Mounted Inverter ACs.
Wall Mounted Inverter Type | Official Price | Offer Price |
100000.00 | 90000.00 | |
77000.00 | 69300.00 | |
107000.00 | 96300.00 | |
138000.00 | 124200.00 | |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 0.75 Ton Inverter | 90000.00 | 81000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.0 Ton Inverter | 95000.00 | 85500.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.4 Ton Inverter | 135000.00 | 121500.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.65 Ton Inverter | 150000.00 | 135000.00 |
190000.00 | 171000.00 | |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 2.25 Ton Inverter | Air Experts | 210000.00 | 189000.00 |
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 1.0 Ton Inverter | 116500.00 | 104850.00 |
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 1.6 Ton Inverter | Air Experts | 154500.00 | 139050.00 |
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 2.0 Ton Inverter | 192000.00 | 172800.00 |
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 2.25 Ton Inverter | Air Experts | 214000.00 | 192600.00 |
Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter Type:
Midea's Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter ACs come in various capacities, including 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 Tons. These ACs ensure widespread cooling with their four-way airflow and are ideal for larger spaces.
Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter | Official Price | Offer Price |
98000.00 | 88200.00 | |
112000.00 | 100800.00 | |
148000.00 | 133200.00 | |
225000.00 | 202500.00 | |
250000.00 | 225000.00 |
Ceiling Cassette Inverter Type:
For precise temperature control and energy efficiency, consider Midea's Ceiling Cassette Inverter ACs. Available in 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 4.0 Tons, these ACs offer optimal cooling performance while blending seamlessly into the room's ceiling. Mitsubishi Heavy Duty also offers Inverter variants in capacities from 1.0 to 4.0 Tons.
Ceiling Cassette Inverter | Official Price | Offer Price |
132000.00 | 118800.00 | |
162000.00 | 145800.00 | |
180000.00 | 162800.00 | |
295000.00 | 265500.00 | |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 1.0 Ton Inverter | 185000.00 | 166500.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 1.65 Ton Inverter | 210000.00 | 189000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 2.0 Ton Inverter | 230000.00 | 207000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 2.25 Ton Inverter | 250000.00 | 225000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 4.0 Ton Inverter | 410000.00 | 369000.00 |
Midea Floor Standing:
If you require flexibility in AC placement, the Floor Standing models are a great choice. These units can be easily installed on the floor and offer powerful cooling performance while occupying minimal space. Available in Inverter and non-inverter options, with capacities of 2.0 and 4.0 Tons.
Midea Floor Standing | Official Price | Offer Price |
205000.00 | 184500.00 | |
180000.00 | 162000.00 | |
260000.00 | 234000.00 |
Midea Portable AC:
Perfect for those who need a portable cooling solution, Midea Portable ACs provide convenience and versatility. These units can be moved between rooms, ensuring cool comfort wherever you go.
Portable AC | Official Price | Offer Price |
80000.00 | 72000.00 |
It is a crucial step in choosing the right air conditioner for staying cool, comfortable, and warm in Pokhara's unexpectedly hot climate in the summer and equally chilly climate in the winter. Midea ACs are renowned for their reliability, efficiency, and innovative features. In addition to Midea ACs, Mitsubishi Heavy Duty and Mitsubishi Electric are two other reputable brands to consider for staying cool and comfortable in Pokhara’s hot climate.
Whether you choose Midea, Mitsubishi Heavy Duty, or Mitsubishi Electric, each brand offers a range of AC models with unique features and benefits. Consider factors such as room size, energy efficiency, cooling capacity, noise levels, and special features to select the perfect AC that meets your specific requirements. Enjoy a refreshing and comfortable environment throughout the summer with a high-quality AC from one of these trusted brands.
Prepare yourself to beat the summer heat or stay cozy during the winter by getting your AC from one of the following authorized dealers in Pokhara. If you have any questions or are ready to make a purchase, don't hesitate to reach out to them and get a consultation to choose the perfect unit for your needs. You can have your AC installed within 24 hours, and they even offer free delivery for your convenience.
Company Name | Contact Person | Phone Number | Address |
Nyokas Trading Concern | Saroj Kayastha | 9856033008 | New Road, Pokhara |
Don't miss this opportunity to stay comfortable all year round - contact them today!
AC Price in Janakpur
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Janakpur's hot climate during the summer and equally chilling climate during the winter in Nepal demand a reliable air conditioner to keep you cool and comfortable. When it comes to top-quality ACs, Midea and Mitsubishi stand out as trusted brands that offer efficient cooling solutions tailored to your needs. In this guide, we will explore the best ACs available in Janakpur with their prices, helping you make an informed decision for a refreshing summer.
Factors to Consider When Choosing an AC:
Before diving into the specific models’s prices, it's essential to consider certain factors that will help you choose the perfect AC for Janakpur's climate:
Room Size: Evaluate the size of the room where the AC will be installed. Get ACs that offer ACs suitable for various room sizes, ensuring optimal cooling performance.
Energy Efficiency: Check the energy efficiency ratings of the AC models. Higher ratings indicate lower energy consumption, which can lead to cost savings on your electricity bills.
Cooling Capacity: Consider the cooling capacity of the AC to ensure it can effectively cool your room size. Modern AC’s offers a range of cooling capacities to suit different needs.
Noise Levels: Look for AC models that operate quietly, especially if you prefer a peaceful environment. ACs from most of today’s companies are designed to provide comfortable cooling without excessive noise.
Special Features: Determine if you have any specific requirements or preferences for special features such as smart controls, air purification systems, or sleep modes. These days AC’s offers a variety of options to cater to different needs.
As, for the available options of AC’s in Janakpur there are Midea, Mitsubishi Heavy, Mitsubishi Electric which are quite well known in Janakpur. Now, let's explore some of the best AC models and their prices that are well-suited for Janakpur's hot climate:Wall Mounted Non-Inverter Type:
Wall Mounted Non-Inverter Type:
Wall Mounted Non-Inverter ACs from Midea's Xtreme Series offer reliable cooling solutions at various capacities. From the compact 0.75 Ton option to the powerful 2.0 Ton unit, these ACs are designed to efficiently cool your room while providing comfort at an affordable price.Wall Mounted Non-Inverter AC
Official Price
Offer Price
Wall Mounted Inverter Type:
Experience unparalleled cooling comfort with the Wall Mounted Inverter ACs. Midea's Breezeless 1.0 Ton INVERTER and Xtreme Series models, ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 tons, offer energy-efficient operation and smart features for precise temperature control. Mitsubishi Heavy Duty also presents 0.75 to 2.25 Ton Wall Mounted Inverter ACs.
Wall Mounted Inverter Type
Official Price
Offer Price
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 0.75 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.0 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.4 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.65 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 2.25 Ton Inverter | Air Experts
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 1.0 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 1.6 Ton Inverter | Air Experts
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 2.0 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 2.25 Ton Inverter | Air Experts
Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter Type:
Midea's Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter ACs come in various capacities, including 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 Tons. These ACs ensure widespread cooling with their four-way airflow and are ideal for larger spaces.
Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter | Official Price | Offer Price |
98000.00 | 88200.00 | |
112000.00 | 100800.00 | |
148000.00 | 133200.00 | |
225000.00 | 202500.00 | |
250000.00 | 225000.00 |
Ceiling Cassette Inverter Type:
For precise temperature control and energy efficiency, consider Midea's Ceiling Cassette Inverter ACs. Available in 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 4.0 Tons, these ACs offer optimal cooling performance while blending seamlessly into the room's ceiling. Mitsubishi Heavy Duty also offers Inverter variants in capacities from 1.0 to 4.0 Tons.
Ceiling Cassette Inverter | Official Price | Offer Price |
132000.00 | 118800.00 | |
162000.00 | 145800.00 | |
180000.00 | 162800.00 | |
295000.00 | 265500.00 | |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 1.0 Ton Inverter | 185000.00 | 166500.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 1.65 Ton Inverter | 210000.00 | 189000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 2.0 Ton Inverter | 230000.00 | 207000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 2.25 Ton Inverter | 250000.00 | 225000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 4.0 Ton Inverter | 410000.00 | 369000.00 |
Midea Floor Standing:
If you require flexibility in AC placement, the Floor Standing models are a great choice. These units can be easily installed on the floor and offer powerful cooling performance while occupying minimal space. Available in Inverter and non-inverter options, with capacities of 2.0 and 4.0 Tons.
Midea Floor Standing | Official Price | Offer Price |
205000.00 | 184500.00 | |
180000.00 | 162000.00 | |
260000.00 | 234000.00 |
Midea Portable AC:
Perfect for those who need a portable cooling solution, Midea Portable ACs provide convenience and versatility. These units can be moved between rooms, ensuring cool comfort wherever you go.
Portable AC | Official Price | Offer Price |
80000.00 | 72000.00 |
Choosing the right air conditioner is crucial for staying cool and comfortable in Janakpur's hot climate. Midea ACs are renowned for their reliability, efficiency, and innovative features. In addition to Midea ACs, Mitsubishi Heavy Duty and Mitsubishi Electric are two other reputable brands to consider for staying cool and comfortable in Janakpur's hot climate.
Whether you choose Midea, Mitsubishi Heavy Duty, or Mitsubishi Electric, each brand offers a range of AC models with unique features and benefits. Consider factors such as room size, energy efficiency, cooling capacity, noise levels, and special features to select the perfect AC that meets your specific requirements. Enjoy a refreshing and comfortable environment throughout the summer with a high-quality AC from one of these trusted brands.
Prepare yourself to beat the summer heat or stay cozy during the winter by getting your AC from one of the following authorized dealers in Janakpur. If you have any questions or are ready to make a purchase, don't hesitate to reach out to them and get a consultation to choose the perfect unit for your needs. You can have your AC installed within 24 hours, and they even offer free delivery for your convenience.
Company Name | Contact Person | Phone Number | Address |
New Ram Janki Traders | Pankaj Sah | 9814829734 | Shiv Chowk |
Balram Prasad and Brothers | Sumit Gupta | 9844115665 | Shiv Chowk |
Lucky Enterprises | Santosh Gupta | 9854020367 | Shiv Chowk |
Don't miss this opportunity to stay comfortable all year round; contact them today!
AC Price in Biratnagar
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Biratnagar's hot climate during the summer and equally chilling climate during the winter in Nepal demands a reliable air conditioner to keep you cool and comfortable. When it comes to top-quality ACs, Midea and Mitsubishi stands out as a trusted brands that offer efficient cooling solutions tailored to your needs. In this guide, we will explore the best ACs available in Biratnagar with their prices, helping you make an informed decision for a refreshing summer.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a AC:
Before diving into the specific models’s prices, it's essential to consider certain factors that will help you choose the perfect AC for Biratnagar's climate:
Room Size: Evaluate the size of the room where the AC will be installed. Get ACs that offer ACs suitable for various room sizes, ensuring optimal cooling performance.
Energy Efficiency: Check the energy efficiency ratings of the AC models. Higher ratings indicate lower energy consumption, which can lead to cost savings on your electricity bills.
Cooling Capacity: Consider the cooling capacity of the AC to ensure it can effectively cool your room size. Modern AC’s offers a range of cooling capacities to suit different needs.
Noise Levels: Look for AC models that operate quietly, especially if you prefer a peaceful environment. ACs from most of today’s companies are designed to provide comfortable cooling without excessive noise.
Special Features: Determine if you have any specific requirements or preferences for special features such as smart controls, air purification systems, or sleep modes. These days AC’s offers a variety of options to cater to different needs.
As for the available options of AC’s in Biratnagar there are Midea, Mitsubishi Heavy, Mitsubishi Electric which are quite well known in Birgunj. Now, let's explore some of the best AC models and their prices that are well-suited for Biratnagar's hot climate:
Wall Mounted Non-Inverter Type:
The Wall Mounted Non-Inverter ACs from Midea's Xtreme Series offer reliable cooling solutions at various capacities. From the compact 0.75 Ton option to the powerful 2.0 Ton unit, these ACs are designed to efficiently cool your room while providing comfort at an affordable price.
Wall Mounted Non-Inverter AC | Official Price | Offer Price |
56,000.00 | 50,400.00 | |
58,000.00 | 52,200.00 | |
85,000.00 | 76,500.00 | |
108,000.00 | 97,200.00 |
Wall Mounted Inverter Type:
Experience unparalleled cooling comfort with the Wall Mounted Inverter ACs. Midea's Breezeless 1.0 Ton INVERTER and Xtreme Series models, ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 tons, offer energy-efficient operation and smart features for precise temperature control. Mitsubishi Heavy Duty also presents 0.75 to 2.25 Ton Wall Mounted Inverter ACs.
Wall Mounted Inverter Type | Official Price | Offer Price |
100,000.00 | 90,000.00 | |
73,000.00 | 65,700.00 | |
100,000.00 | 90,000.00 | |
130,000.00 | 117,000.00 | |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 0.75 Ton Inverter | 90,000.00 | 81,000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.0 Ton Inverter | 95,000.00 | 85,500.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.4 Ton Inverter | 135,000.00 | 121,500.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.65 Ton Inverter | 150,000.00 | 135,000.00 |
190,000.00 | 171,000.00 | |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 2.25 Ton Inverter | Air Experts | 210,000.00 | 189,000.00 |
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 1.0 Ton Inverter | 116,500.00 | 104,850.00 |
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 1.6 Ton Inverter | Air Experts | 154,500.00 | 139,050.00 |
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 2.0 Ton Inverter | 192,000.00 | 172,800.00 |
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 2.25 Ton Inverter | Air Experts | 214,000.00 | 192,600.00 |
Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter Type:
Midea's Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter ACs come in various capacities, including 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 Tons. These ACs ensure widespread cooling with their four-way airflow and are ideal for larger spaces.
Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter | Official Price | Offer Price |
95,000.00 | 85,500.00 | |
110,000.00 | 99,000.00 | |
145,000.00 | 130,500.00 | |
220,000.00 | 198,000.00 | |
245,000.00 | 220,500.00 |
Ceiling Cassette Inverter Type:
For precise temperature control and energy efficiency, consider Midea's Ceiling Cassette Inverter ACs. Available in 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 4.0 Tons, these ACs offer optimal cooling performance while blending seamlessly into the room's ceiling. Mitsubishi Heavy Duty also offers Inverter variants in capacities from 1.0 to 4.0 Tons.
Ceiling Cassette Inverter | Official Price | Offer Price |
128,000.00 | 115,200.00 | |
158,000.00 | 142,200.00 | |
170,000.00 | 153,000.00 | |
285,000.00 | 256,500.00 | |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 1.0 Ton Inverter | 185000.00 | 166500.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 1.65 Ton Inverter | 210000.00 | 189000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 2.0 Ton Inverter | 230000.00 | 207000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 2.25 Ton Inverter | 250000.00 | 225000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 4.0 Ton Inverter | 410000.00 | 369000.00 |
Midea Floor Standing:
If you require flexibility in AC placement, the Floor Standing models are a great choice. These units can be easily installed on the floor and offer powerful cooling performance while occupying minimal space. Available in Inverter and non-inverter options, with capacities of 2.0 and 4.0 Tons.
Midea Floor Standing | Official Price | Offer Price |
200,000.00 | 180,000.00 | |
175,000.00 | 157,500.00 | |
260,000.00 | 234,000.00 |
Midea Portable AC:
Perfect for those who need a portable cooling solution, Midea Portable ACs provide convenience and versatility. These units can be moved between rooms, ensuring cool comfort wherever you go.
Portable AC | Official Price | Offer Price |
80000.00 | 72000.00 |
Choosing the right air conditioner is crucial for staying cool and comfortable in Biratnagar's hot climate. Midea ACs are renowned for their reliability, efficiency, and innovative features. In addition to Midea ACs, Mitsubishi Heavy Duty and Mitsubishi Electric are two other reputable brands to consider for staying cool and comfortable in Biratnagar's hot climate.
Whether you choose Midea, Mitsubishi Heavy Duty, or Mitsubishi Electric, each brand offers a range of AC models with unique features and benefits. Consider factors such as room size, energy efficiency, cooling capacity, noise levels, and special features to select the perfect AC that meets your specific requirements. Enjoy a refreshing and comfortable environment throughout the summer with a high-quality AC from one of these trusted brands.
Prepare yourself to beat the summer heat or stay cozy during the winter by getting your AC from one of the following authorized dealers in Biratnagar. If you have any questions or are ready to make a purchase, don't hesitate to reach out to them and get a consultation to choose the perfect unit for your needs. You can have your AC installed within 24 hours, and they even offer free delivery for your convenience.
Company Name | Contact Person | Phone Number | Address |
World Cool Refrigeration | Milan Joshi | 9852054818 | Birtachowk |
Don't miss this opportunity to stay comfortable all year round – contact them today!
AC Price in Birtamode
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Birtamode's hot climate during the summer and equally chilling climate during the winter in Nepal demands a reliable air conditioner to keep you cool and comfortable. When it comes to top-quality ACs, Midea and Mitsubishi stands out as a trusted brands that offer efficient cooling solutions tailored to your needs. In this guide, we will explore the best ACs available in Birtamode with their prices, helping you make an informed decision for a refreshing summer.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a AC:
Before diving into the specific models’s prices, it's essential to consider certain factors that will help you choose the perfect AC for Birtamode's climate:
Room Size: Evaluate the size of the room where the AC will be installed. Get ACs that offer ACs suitable for various room sizes, ensuring optimal cooling performance.
Energy Efficiency: Check the energy efficiency ratings of the AC models. Higher ratings indicate lower energy consumption, which can lead to cost savings on your electricity bills.
Cooling Capacity: Consider the cooling capacity of the AC to ensure it can effectively cool your room size. Modern AC’s offers a range of cooling capacities to suit different needs.
Noise Levels: Look for AC models that operate quietly, especially if you prefer a peaceful environment. ACs from most of today’s companies are designed to provide comfortable cooling without excessive noise.
Special Features: Determine if you have any specific requirements or preferences for special features such as smart controls, air purification systems, or sleep modes. These days AC’s offers a variety of options to cater to different needs.
As, for the available options of AC’s in Birtamode there are Midea, Mitsubishi Heavy, Mitsubishi Electric which are quite well known in Birtamode. Now, let's explore some of the best AC models and their prices that are well-suited for Birtamode's hot climate:
Wall Mounted Non-Inverter Type:
The Wall Mounted Non-Inverter ACs from Midea's Xtreme Series offer reliable cooling solutions at various capacities. From the compact 0.75 Ton option to the powerful 2.0 Ton unit, these ACs are designed to efficiently cool your room while providing comfort at an affordable price.
Wall Mounted Non-Inverter AC | Official Price | Offer Price |
56,000.00 | 50,400.00 | |
58,000.00 | 52,200.00 | |
85,000.00 | 76,500.00 | |
108,000.00 | 97,200.00 |
Wall Mounted Inverter Type:
Experience unparalleled cooling comfort with the Wall Mounted Inverter ACs. Midea's Breezeless 1.0 Ton INVERTER and Xtreme Series models, ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 tons, offer energy-efficient operation and smart features for precise temperature control. Mitsubishi Heavy Duty also presents 0.75 to 2.25 Ton Wall Mounted Inverter ACs.
Wall Mounted Inverter Type | Official Price | Offer Price |
100,000.00 | 90,000.00 | |
73,000.00 | 65,700.00 | |
100,000.00 | 90,000.00 | |
130,000.00 | 117,000.00 | |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 0.75 Ton Inverter | 90,000.00 | 81,000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.0 Ton Inverter | 95,000.00 | 85,500.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.4 Ton Inverter | 135,000.00 | 121,500.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.65 Ton Inverter | 150,000.00 | 135,000.00 |
190,000.00 | 171,000.00 | |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 2.25 Ton Inverter | Air Experts | 210,000.00 | 189,000.00 |
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 1.0 Ton Inverter | 116,500.00 | 104,850.00 |
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 1.6 Ton Inverter | Air Experts | 154,500.00 | 139,050.00 |
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 2.0 Ton Inverter | 192,000.00 | 172,800.00 |
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 2.25 Ton Inverter | Air Experts | 214,000.00 | 192,600.00 |
Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter Type:
Midea's Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter ACs come in various capacities, including 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 Tons. These ACs ensure widespread cooling with their four-way airflow and are ideal for larger spaces.
Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter | Official Price | Offer Price |
95,000.00 | 85,500.00 | |
110,000.00 | 99,000.00 | |
145,000.00 | 130,500.00 | |
220,000.00 | 198,000.00 | |
245,000.00 | 220,500.00 |
Ceiling Cassette Inverter Type:
For precise temperature control and energy efficiency, consider Midea's Ceiling Cassette Inverter ACs. Available in 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 4.0 Tons, these ACs offer optimal cooling performance while blending seamlessly into the room's ceiling. Mitsubishi Heavy Duty also offers Inverter variants in capacities from 1.0 to 4.0 Tons.
Ceiling Cassette Inverter | Official Price | Offer Price |
128,000.00 | 115,200.00 | |
158,000.00 | 142,200.00 | |
170,000.00 | 153,000.00 | |
285,000.00 | 256,500.00 | |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 1.0 Ton Inverter | 185000.00 | 166500.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 1.65 Ton Inverter | 210000.00 | 189000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 2.0 Ton Inverter | 230000.00 | 207000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 2.25 Ton Inverter | 250000.00 | 225000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 4.0 Ton Inverter | 410000.00 | 369000.00 |
Midea Floor Standing:
If you require flexibility in AC placement, the Floor Standing models are a great choice. These units can be easily installed on the floor and offer powerful cooling performance while occupying minimal space. Available in Inverter and non-inverter options, with capacities of 2.0 and 4.0 Tons.
Midea Floor Standing | Official Price | Offer Price |
200,000.00 | 180,000.00 | |
175,000.00 | 157,500.00 | |
260,000.00 | 234,000.00 |
Midea Portable AC:
Perfect for those who need a portable cooling solution, Midea Portable ACs provide convenience and versatility. These units can be moved between rooms, ensuring cool comfort wherever you go.
Portable AC | Official Price | Offer Price |
80000.00 | 72000.00 |
Choosing the right air conditioner is crucial for staying cool and comfortable in Birtamode's hot climate. Midea ACs are renowned for their reliability, efficiency, and innovative features. In addition to Midea ACs, Mitsubishi Heavy Duty and Mitsubishi Electric are two other reputable brands to consider for staying cool and comfortable in Birtamode's hot climate.
Whether you choose Midea, Mitsubishi Heavy Duty, or Mitsubishi Electric, each brand offers a range of AC models with unique features and benefits. Consider factors such as room size, energy efficiency, cooling capacity, noise levels, and special features to select the perfect AC that meets your specific requirements. Enjoy a refreshing and comfortable environment throughout the summer with a high-quality AC from one of these trusted brands.
Prepare yourself to beat the summer heat or stay cozy during the winter by getting your AC from one of the following authorized dealers in Birtamode. If you have any questions or are ready to make a purchase, don't hesitate to reach out to them and get a consultation to choose the perfect unit for your needs. You can have your AC installed within 24 hours, and they even offer free delivery for your convenience.
Company Name | Contact Person | Phone Number | Address |
Aircool Refrigeration and Electricals | Prakash Chudal | 9803875202 | Birtamode, Jhapa |
Don't miss this opportunity to stay comfortable all year round – contact them today!
AC Price in Hetauda
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Hetauda's hot climate during the summer and equally chilling climate during the winter in Nepal demands a reliable air conditioner to keep you cool and comfortable. When it comes to top-quality ACs, Midea and Mitsubishi stands out as a trusted brands that offer efficient cooling solutions tailored to your needs. In this guide, we will explore the best ACs available in Hetauda with their prices, helping you make an informed decision for a refreshing summer.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a AC:
Before diving into the specific models’s prices, it's essential to consider certain factors that will help you choose the perfect AC for Hetauda's climate:
Room Size: Evaluate the size of the room where the AC will be installed. Get ACs that offer ACs suitable for various room sizes, ensuring optimal cooling performance.
Energy Efficiency: Check the energy efficiency ratings of the AC models. Higher ratings indicate lower energy consumption, which can lead to cost savings on your electricity bills.
Cooling Capacity: Consider the cooling capacity of the AC to ensure it can effectively cool your room size. Modern AC’s offers a range of cooling capacities to suit different needs.
Noise Levels: Look for AC models that operate quietly, especially if you prefer a peaceful environment. ACs from most of today’s companies are designed to provide comfortable cooling without excessive noise.
Special Features: Determine if you have any specific requirements or preferences for special features such as smart controls, air purification systems, or sleep modes. These days AC’s offers a variety of options to cater to different needs.
As for the available options of AC’s in Hetauda there are Midea, Mitsubishi Heavy, Mitsubishi Electric which are quite well known in Hetauda. Now, let's explore some of the best AC models and their prices that are well-suited for Hetauda's hot climate:
- Wall Mounted Non-Inverter Type:
The Wall Mounted Non-Inverter ACs from Midea's Xtreme Series offer reliable cooling solutions at various capacities. From the compact 0.75 Ton option to the powerful 2.0 Ton unit, these ACs are designed to efficiently cool your room while providing comfort at an affordable price.
Wall Mounted Non-Inverter AC | Official Price | Offer Price |
56,000.00 | 50,400.00 | |
58,000.00 | 52,200.00 | |
85,000.00 | 76,500.00 | |
108,000.00 | 97,200.00 |
Wall Mounted Inverter Type:
Experience unparalleled cooling comfort with the Wall Mounted Inverter ACs. Midea's Breezeless 1.0 Ton INVERTER and Xtreme Series models, ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 tons, offer energy-efficient operation and smart features for precise temperature control. Mitsubishi Heavy Duty also presents 0.75 to 2.25 Ton Wall Mounted Inverter ACs.
Wall Mounted Inverter Type | Official Price | Offer Price |
100,000.00 | 90,000.00 | |
73,000.00 | 65,700.00 | |
100,000.00 | 90,000.00 | |
130,000.00 | 117,000.00 | |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 0.75 Ton Inverter | 90,000.00 | 81,000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.0 Ton Inverter | 95,000.00 | 85,500.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.4 Ton Inverter | 135,000.00 | 121,500.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.65 Ton Inverter | 150,000.00 | 135,000.00 |
190,000.00 | 171,000.00 | |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 2.25 Ton Inverter | Air Experts | 210,000.00 | 189,000.00 |
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 1.0 Ton Inverter | 116,500.00 | 104,850.00 |
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 1.6 Ton Inverter | Air Experts | 154,500.00 | 139,050.00 |
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 2.0 Ton Inverter | 192,000.00 | 172,800.00 |
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 2.25 Ton Inverter | Air Experts | 214,000.00 | 192,600.00 |
Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter Type:
Midea's Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter ACs come in various capacities, including 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 Tons. These ACs ensure widespread cooling with their four-way airflow and are ideal for larger spaces.
Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter | Official Price | Offer Price |
98000.00 | 88200.00 | |
112000.00 | 100800.00 | |
148000.00 | 133200.00 | |
225000.00 | 202500.00 | |
250000.00 | 225000.00 |
Ceiling Cassette Inverter Type:
For precise temperature control and energy efficiency, consider Midea's Ceiling Cassette Inverter ACs. Available in 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 4.0 Tons, these ACs offer optimal cooling performance while blending seamlessly into the room's ceiling. Mitsubishi Heavy Duty also offers Inverter variants in capacities from 1.0 to 4.0 Tons.
Ceiling Cassette Inverter | Official Price | Offer Price |
132000.00 | 118800.00 | |
162000.00 | 145800.00 | |
180000.00 | 162800.00 | |
295000.00 | 265500.00 | |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 1.0 Ton Inverter | 185000.00 | 166500.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 1.65 Ton Inverter | 210000.00 | 189000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 2.0 Ton Inverter | 230000.00 | 207000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 2.25 Ton Inverter | 250000.00 | 225000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 4.0 Ton Inverter | 410000.00 | 369000.00 |
Midea Floor Standing:
If you require flexibility in AC placement, the Floor Standing models are a great choice. These units can be easily installed on the floor and offer powerful cooling performance while occupying minimal space. Available in Inverter and non-inverter options, with capacities of 2.0 and 4.0 Tons.
Midea Floor Standing | Official Price | Offer Price |
205000.00 | 184500.00 | |
180000.00 | 162000.00 | |
260000.00 | 234000.00 |
Midea Portable AC:
Perfect for those who need a portable cooling solution, Midea Portable ACs provide convenience and versatility. These units can be moved between rooms, ensuring cool comfort wherever you go.
Portable AC | Official Price | Offer Price |
80000.00 | 72000.00 |
Choosing the right air conditioner is crucial for staying cool and comfortable in Hetauda's hot climate. Midea ACs are renowned for their reliability, efficiency, and innovative features. In addition to Midea ACs, Mitsubishi Heavy Duty and Mitsubishi Electric are two other reputable brands to consider for staying cool and comfortable in Hetauda's hot climate.
Whether you choose Midea, Mitsubishi Heavy Duty, or Mitsubishi Electric, each brand offers a range of AC models with unique features and benefits. Consider factors such as room size, energy efficiency, cooling capacity, noise levels, and special features to select the perfect AC that meets your specific requirements. Enjoy a refreshing and comfortable environment throughout the summer with a high-quality AC from one of these trusted brands.
Prepare yourself to beat the summer heat or stay cozy during the winter by getting your AC from one of the following authorized dealers in Hetauda. If you have any questions or are ready to make a purchase, don't hesitate to reach out to them and get a consultation to choose the perfect unit for your needs. You can have your AC installed within 24 hours, and they even offer free delivery for your convenience.
Company Name | Contact Person | Phone Number | Address |
Shlok Electronics Supplier | Shivram Shrestha | 9855067840 | School Road-4, Hetauda |
Don't miss this opportunity to stay comfortable all year round – contact them today!
AC Price in Narayanghat
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Narayanghat's hot climate during the summer and equally chilling climate during the winter in Nepal demands a reliable air conditioner to keep you cool and comfortable. When it comes to top-quality ACs, Midea and Mitsubishi stands out as a trusted brands that offer efficient cooling solutions tailored to your needs. In this guide, we will explore the best ACs available in Narayanghat with their prices, helping you make an informed decision for a refreshing summer.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a AC:
Before diving into the specific models’s prices, it's essential to consider certain factors that will help you choose the perfect AC for Hetauda's climate:
Room Size: Evaluate the size of the room where the AC will be installed. Get ACs that offer ACs suitable for various room sizes, ensuring optimal cooling performance.
Energy Efficiency: Check the energy efficiency ratings of the AC models. Higher ratings indicate lower energy consumption, which can lead to cost savings on your electricity bills.
Cooling Capacity: Consider the cooling capacity of the AC to ensure it can effectively cool your room size. Modern AC’s offers a range of cooling capacities to suit different needs.
Noise Levels: Look for AC models that operate quietly, especially if you prefer a peaceful environment. ACs from most of today’s companies are designed to provide comfortable cooling without excessive noise.
Special Features: Determine if you have any specific requirements or preferences for special features such as smart controls, air purification systems, or sleep modes. These days AC’soffers a variety of options to cater to different needs.
As for the available options of AC’s in Narayanghat there are Midea, Mitsubishi Heavy, Mitsubishi Electric which are quite well known in Narayanghat. Now, let's explore some of the best AC models and their prices that are well-suited for Narayanghat's hot climate:
Wall Mounted Non-Inverter Type:
The Wall Mounted Non-Inverter ACs from Midea's Xtreme Series offer reliable cooling solutions at various capacities. From the compact 0.75 Ton option to the powerful 2.0 Ton unit, these ACs are designed to efficiently cool your room while providing comfort at an affordable price.Wall Mounted Non-Inverter AC
Official Price
Offer Price
Wall Mounted Inverter Type:
Experience unparalleled cooling comfort with the Wall Mounted Inverter ACs. Midea's Breezeless 1.0 Ton INVERTER and Xtreme Series models, ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 tons, offer energy-efficient operation and smart features for precise temperature control. Mitsubishi Heavy Duty also presents 0.75 to 2.25 Ton Wall Mounted Inverter ACs.
Wall Mounted Inverter Type
Official Price
Offer Price
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 0.75 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.0 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.4 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.65 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 2.25 Ton Inverter | Air Experts
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 1.0 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 1.6 Ton Inverter | Air Experts
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 2.0 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 2.25 Ton Inverter | Air Experts
Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter Type:
Midea's Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter ACs come in various capacities, including 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 Tons. These ACs ensure widespread cooling with their four-way airflow and are ideal for larger spaces.
Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter | Official Price | Offer Price |
98000.00 | 88200.00 | |
112000.00 | 100800.00 | |
148000.00 | 133200.00 | |
225000.00 | 202500.00 | |
250000.00 | 225000.00 |
Ceiling Cassette Inverter Type:
For precise temperature control and energy efficiency, consider Midea's Ceiling Cassette Inverter ACs. Available in 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 4.0 Tons, these ACs offer optimal cooling performance while blending seamlessly into the room's ceiling. Mitsubishi Heavy Duty also offers Inverter variants in capacities from 1.0 to 4.0 Tons.
Ceiling Cassette Inverter | Official Price | Offer Price |
132000.00 | 118800.00 | |
162000.00 | 145800.00 | |
180000.00 | 162800.00 | |
295000.00 | 265500.00 | |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 1.0 Ton Inverter | 185000.00 | 166500.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 1.65 Ton Inverter | 210000.00 | 189000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 2.0 Ton Inverter | 230000.00 | 207000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 2.25 Ton Inverter | 250000.00 | 225000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 4.0 Ton Inverter | 410000.00 | 369000.00 |
Midea Floor Standing:
If you require flexibility in AC placement, the Floor Standing models are a great choice. These units can be easily installed on the floor and offer powerful cooling performance while occupying minimal space. Available in Inverter and non-inverter options, with capacities of 2.0 and 4.0 Tons.
Midea Floor Standing | Official Price | Offer Price |
205000.00 | 184500.00 | |
180000.00 | 162000.00 | |
260000.00 | 234000.00 |
Midea Portable AC:
Perfect for those who need a portable cooling solution, Midea Portable ACs provide convenience and versatility. These units can be moved between rooms, ensuring cool comfort wherever you go.
Portable AC | Official Price | Offer Price |
80000.00 | 72000.00 |
Choosing the right air conditioner is crucial for staying cool and comfortable in Narayanghat's hot climate. Midea ACs are renowned for their reliability, efficiency, and innovative features. In addition to Midea ACs, Mitsubishi Heavy Duty and Mitsubishi Electric are two other reputable brands to consider for staying cool and comfortable in Narayanghat's hot climate.
Whether you choose Midea, Mitsubishi Heavy Duty, or Mitsubishi Electric, each brand offers a range of AC models with unique features and benefits. Consider factors such as room size, energy efficiency, cooling capacity, noise levels, and special features to select the perfect AC that meets your specific requirements. Enjoy a refreshing and comfortable environment throughout the summer with a high-quality AC from one of these trusted brands.
Prepare yourself to beat the summer heat or stay cozy during the winter by getting your AC from one of the following authorized dealers in Narayanghat. If you have any questions or are ready to make a purchase, don't hesitate to reach out to them and get a consultation to choose the perfect unit for your needs. You can have your AC installed within 24 hours, and they even offer free delivery for your convenience.
Company Name | Contact Person | Phone Number | Address |
Prasanna Air Condition | Daya Sapkota | 9855060612 | Lions Chowk, Bishalmarga |
Don't miss this opportunity to stay comfortable all year round – contact them today!
AC Price in Nepalgunj
Date: 2020-08-31 | Visit: 30
Nepalgunj's hot climate during the summer and equally chilling climate during the winter in Nepal demands a reliable air conditioner to keep you cool and comfortable. When it comes to top-quality ACs, Midea and Mitsubishi stands out as a trusted brands that offer efficient cooling solutions tailored to your needs. In this guide, we will explore the best ACs available in Nepalgunj with their prices, helping you make an informed decision for a refreshing summer.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a AC:
Before diving into the specific models’s prices, it's essential to consider certain factors that will help you choose the perfect AC for Nepalgunj's climate:
Room Size: Evaluate the size of the room where the AC will be installed. Get ACs that offer ACs suitable for various room sizes, ensuring optimal cooling performance.
Energy Efficiency: Check the energy efficiency ratings of the AC models. Higher ratings indicate lower energy consumption, which can lead to cost savings on your electricity bills.
Cooling Capacity: Consider the cooling capacity of the AC to ensure it can effectively cool your room size. Modern AC’s offers a range of cooling capacities to suit different needs.
Noise Levels: Look for AC models that operate quietly, especially if you prefer a peaceful environment. ACs from most of today’s companies are designed to provide comfortable cooling without excessive noise.
Special Features: Determine if you have any specific requirements or preferences for special features such as smart controls, air purification systems, or sleep modes. These days AC’s offers a variety of options to cater to different needs.
As for the available options of AC’s in Nepalgunj there are Midea, Mitsubishi Heavy, Mitsubishi Electric which are quite well known in Nepalgunj. Now, let's explore some of the best AC models and their prices that are well-suited for Nepalgunj's hot climate:
Wall Mounted Non-Inverter Type:
The Wall Mounted Non-Inverter ACs from Midea's Xtreme Series offer reliable cooling solutions at various capacities. From the compact 0.75 Ton option to the powerful 2.0 Ton unit, these ACs are designed to efficiently cool your room while providing comfort at an affordable price.Wall Mounted Non-Inverter AC
Official Price
Offer Price
Wall Mounted Inverter Type:
Experience unparalleled cooling comfort with the Wall Mounted Inverter ACs. Midea's Breezeless 1.0 Ton INVERTER and Xtreme Series models, ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 tons, offer energy-efficient operation and smart features for precise temperature control. Mitsubishi Heavy Duty also presents 0.75 to 2.25 Ton Wall Mounted Inverter ACs.
Wall Mounted Inverter Type
Official Price
Offer Price
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 0.75 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.0 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.4 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 1.65 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Wall Mounted 2.25 Ton Inverter | Air Experts
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 1.0 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 1.6 Ton Inverter | Air Experts
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 2.0 Ton Inverter
Mitsubishi Electric Wall Mounted 2.25 Ton Inverter | Air Experts
Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter Type:
Midea's Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter ACs come in various capacities, including 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 Tons. These ACs ensure widespread cooling with their four-way airflow and are ideal for larger spaces.
Ceiling Cassette Non-Inverter | Official Price | Offer Price |
98000.00 | 88200.00 | |
112000.00 | 100800.00 | |
148000.00 | 133200.00 | |
225000.00 | 202500.00 | |
250000.00 | 225000.00 |
Ceiling Cassette Inverter Type:
For precise temperature control and energy efficiency, consider Midea's Ceiling Cassette Inverter ACs. Available in 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 4.0 Tons, these ACs offer optimal cooling performance while blending seamlessly into the room's ceiling. Mitsubishi Heavy Duty also offers Inverter variants in capacities from 1.0 to 4.0 Tons.
Ceiling Cassette Inverter | Official Price | Offer Price |
132000.00 | 118800.00 | |
162000.00 | 145800.00 | |
180000.00 | 162800.00 | |
295000.00 | 265500.00 | |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 1.0 Ton Inverter | 185000.00 | 166500.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 1.65 Ton Inverter | 210000.00 | 189000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 2.0 Ton Inverter | 230000.00 | 207000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 2.25 Ton Inverter | 250000.00 | 225000.00 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Duty Ceiling Cassette 4.0 Ton Inverter | 410000.00 | 369000.00 |
Midea Floor Standing:
If you require flexibility in AC placement, the Floor Standing models are a great choice. These units can be easily installed on the floor and offer powerful cooling performance while occupying minimal space. Available in Inverter and non-inverter options, with capacities of 2.0 and 4.0 Tons.
Midea Floor Standing | Official Price | Offer Price |
205000.00 | 184500.00 | |
180000.00 | 162000.00 | |
260000.00 | 234000.00 |
Midea Portable AC:
Perfect for those who need a portable cooling solution, Midea Portable ACs provide convenience and versatility. These units can be moved between rooms, ensuring cool comfort wherever you go.
Portable AC | Official Price | Offer Price |
80000.00 | 72000.00 |
Choosing the right air conditioner is crucial for staying cool and comfortable in Nepalgunj's hot climate. Midea ACs are renowned for their reliability, efficiency, and innovative features. In addition to Midea ACs, Mitsubishi Heavy Duty and Mitsubishi Electric are two other reputable brands to consider for staying cool and comfortable in Nepalgunj's hot climate.
Whether you choose Midea, Mitsubishi Heavy Duty, or Mitsubishi Electric, each brand offers a range of AC models with unique features and benefits. Consider factors such as room size, energy efficiency, cooling capacity, noise levels, and special features to select the perfect AC that meets your specific requirements. Enjoy a refreshing and comfortable environment throughout the summer with a high-quality AC from one of these trusted brands.
Prepare yourself to beat the summer heat or stay cozy during the winter by getting your AC from one of the following authorized dealers in Nepalgunj. If you have any questions or are ready to make a purchase, don't hesitate to reach out to them and get a consultation to choose the perfect unit for your needs. You can have your AC installed within 24 hours, and they even offer free delivery for your convenience.
Company Name | Contact Person | Phone Number | Address |
New Nizam Store | Kamaluddin Mukeri | 9857822302 | Kalpatru, Pushpalal Chowk |
Don't miss this opportunity to stay comfortable all year round – contact them today!