Top 5 health reasons to choose AC over Heater | Air Experts
Date: 2020-12-18
Top 5 health reasons to choose AC over Heater
While the price of heaters is relatively cheaper than air conditioners, you have to be aware of the side effects it has on your health. Heaters burn oxygen and reduce the humidity in the air. On the other hand, a good air conditioner such as Midea can provide air filtration that provides cleaner air indoors. There are many health benefits on installing an air conditioner.
1. Reduces the risk of asthma
Air conditioners can help to filter as well as disinfect the air that we breathe. This can help to reduce the risk of asthma attacks and allergies by removing pollen and dust, and also preventing the growth of mildew and mold. When we close our windows while using air conditioners helps to prevent the entry of environmental allergens, bacteria, and dust.
2. Improves air quality
Installing air conditioners can improve the air quality. Midea Air conditioner has dual filters that helps your house by improving ventilation and controlling the temperature of your home. A clean air conditioning system like Midea helps in excluding external allergens such as pollens.
3. Decrease the Risk of Dehydration
Even when you’re using the best heater in Nepal, during winter it reduces the humidity leading to dry eyes, nasal blockage and dehydration. You might also have heat stroke as your body begins to overheat due to the surrounding temperature. But inverter AC’s such as Midea, helps to keep odors and fumes at bay whilst also cycling out smelly air, and replacing it with fresh air.
4. Provides comfort
While some like to remain cool, others are happier when they receive a little extra warmth. When you install the Midea Air Conditioners, you can use the temperature control to customize your environment to suit your taste and consequently reduce stress.
5. Easier sleep
You cannot sleep with your heater on as it is harmful for your health as well as for the surrounding. But Midea AC’s can be turned on even when you are sleeping, so you get to rest at just the right temperature. Also it operates on low noise, giving you undisturbed and peaceful sleep, clean fresh air without reducing the humidity.
Make no compromises, get the best AC in Nepal for you and your family with up to 71% of electricity saving. Get Midea, now at just Rs. 63,000.